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Full text: 1870 (1870)

в§. West ladies — Bahama islands. 
Revolt in^: lipht on firent Iiiagtin 
The Governor of the Bahama islands has 
given Notice, that on or about the 1st day 
of April 1870, a light will be exhibited from 
a lighthouse recently erected near the south- 
west point of Great Inagua island. 
The light will be a revolving white light, 
attaining its greatest brilliancy every minute, 
elevated about 120 feet above high water, 
and in clear weather should be seen from a 
distance of 17 miles. 
The illuminating apparatus is dioptric or 
by lenses, of the second order. 
The tower is about 114 feet high, built 
of native stone of whitish colour, and slightly 
conical; it stands at the sea margin about 
one mile southward of Jlathew Town and 
two miles northwest from Southwest point, 
in lat 20* 56' N . long. 73 40' 45" west 
from Greenwich. 
Note; Vessels approaching this light are 
cautioned to pay careful attention to its 
bearing, as it will be seen oxer the land 
where not intercepted by objects. 
Also, that further information will be 
given as to the date of exhibition. 
(Not. to mar. No. 21. 11th February.) 
Hielt-3ntuen. — öaljnma-jlnfrln. 
'J'rebfciier auf rijmtrtn* 1 - 
9t m 1. ?lpril b. 3 ftiva irtrb auf hem fttrj. 
Int erbauten Leuchttbuvm in her 9iäbe her 2 üb« 
trefifpiite her jnfei ©rofi«3nagua c ' n »«M Treb< 
teuer angejünbet trerben, irelches alle ©muten 
feinen grüßten №Iar.j erveid't tttib bei einer .riebe 
ben 120' über ördiiraffer in flarem ©etter 
17 Seemeilen treit firbtbar fein feil, Linfenapparat 
jmeiter Crbnung. Ter 114' bebe Sbiirm ift aud 
inlänbifchem weißlichen Stein aufgeführt uttb fleht 
ungefähr eine Seemeile füblich ccn ©atbetr Seien 
unb jtrei Seemeilen nerbmeftlid) pen Scuthtvefl 
Teint am Tieeresufer. 
Ta biete? Leuchtfeuer in allen ¿Richtungen, auä- 
genemmen ha, tre ha? Lanb es terheeft, fichthar 
fein trirh, fo muß man fergfältig auf bie Tu- 
hingen achten. 
OS). Brazil — North Coast. 
Temporary reiuouil of light ies- 
sol, entrance of 1'iirti rltrr. 
The Provincial Government of Para, Bra 
zil, has given Notice; that the light vessel 
stationed on the edge of the Braganza shoal, 
entrance of Para river, has been temporarily 
removed for repairs; and that during the time 
she is under repair a yacht will cruize in the 
vicinity of the position in the day time, and 
9iib -Atlantifdjer Ceran. — ttorbltüflc oon 
"Vrotnforifche (fcittfcriiiuirt t*co 
$?cnd>tfcfoiffcö in ber (Pinfnbrt 
iu i>cn '\>aru ¿yiuft. 
¡Reparatur halber ift bas Leud'tid'irf am ttianbe 
ber 'Traganta Untiefe in brr (iinfabrt in ben 'Tara 
Rluft cinftir eilen fortgenemmen treiben. ©ährenb 
brr Tauer ber .'Reparatur trtrb eine tiadit in ber 
'Habe her Leud'tfdüffs«Station hei Sage freuten 
unb hei ¿Rächt, per Slttfer Itegenb, ein treifies Licht 

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