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Full text: 1870 (1870)

The illuminating apparatus is dioptric or Sri 9ifbri»fttfr fcllen ticmoncnfcbufTe ate ®nt 
by lenses, of tlie third order. trcrt auf bie 9icbelft^nalc ber bafftrcnben ^cfiiffe 
When it is desired to attract the attention aKjefeucrt ivcrbcn. 
of passing vessels, a gun or guns will be tired 
and signals made. 
During fogs, guns will be fired in answer 
to the fog signals of passing vessels. 
(Not. to Mar. No. 14. 1st February 1870.) 
Berlin, gtbtutft unb ju tyaben in ter JMnigiitbta (SeheUnra Cber« ©of¥nd)br«cfmi 
HR. B. I’etfrr).

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