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Full text: 1870 (1870)

49. liiileil Stales of America — California. 
liigrht-Iloiise at (lie entrance to 
tlic Ilarhor or Santa Cruz. Ca 
Notice is hereby given that on and after 
the 1st day of January, 1870, a harbor light 
will be exhibited on the Light-house recently 
erected at the entrance to the harbor of Santa 
Cruz, California, at a point called Point Santa 
The illuminating apparatus is of the fifth 
order of Fresnel, showing a fixed white light 
through an angle of 270 . 
The light is elevated 09 feet above mean 
sea-level, and should be seen from the deck 
of a sea going vessel, in clear weather, 
14 nautical miles. The lantern and lens are 
on a small wooden tower on the keeper's 
The tower and lantern are painted white: 
dome of lantern painted red. 
The keeper's dwelling is a one and one- 
halt' story frame building, painted white, with 
green blinds to the windows. Out houses 
are painted white. 
The main structure is 3u0 feet from the 
extremity of the bluff point. The distance 
from base to focal plane is 35 J feet; the 
distance from mean sea-level to base 33’ feet. 
A vessel coining from the northward can 
first see the light when it bears E. N. 
The Light-house is in latitude 3*1 57' 00" 
north; longitude 122 00' 32" west. 
The magnetic variation at the ¡»lace is 
15 45' E. 
Bearings and distances to prominent ob 
Light-house at Point Pinos 8. E. by S. J S. 
19:1 nautical miles. 
Point Sauquil E. by N. \ N. 2$ nautical 
(Not. to mar. No. 99. Washington. D. C . Dec. 28, I8t>9.) 
tlörßliit) Stiller Cecan. 
Leuchtfeuer on her C?iafabrt in heul 
>>ofe» £«iiitct: <?rii{, (falifornieit. 
¿eit bem 1. Januar b. 3- trennt auf bent 
fürjlich erndfieten Peucbttburm an ber Hinfahrt in 
ben £afen Santa Gritt auf ber Panbfpijje gleichen 
Tarnen* ein Pinfenfcuer fünfter Crbnung, welches 
ein feflel weifte* Picht über einen Bogen ren 270 I 
in ber .flöhe t'cn über bem Grfcbeben ober I 
KiP über bem mittleren SBafferftanbe best 'Tieetef, I 
in flarer Pttfi 14 Seemeilen weit fiebtbar, jeigt. j 
Ter 'Apparat bennbet fid» tu einem Keinen bol I 
Seinen ihurnt auf ber SJärterwchmmg. Tburml 
unb Patente ftnb weift; bie Kuppel ber (enteren I 
retb gemalt. 
Tie SBärtenrohnung ift anberthalb Stecfwerfe I 
b*>d\ oon /faebwerf gebaut, weift gemalt unb bat I 
grüne (lettfierblenbeti, bie'Jtebengebdube finb weift I 
'Ben Torben femmenbe Schiffe feben biefe*[ 
geuer erft, wenn e? O ’N peilt. G* bat folgenbe | 
Page unb Teilungen: 
'Breite dt! .57'Sorb, Panne 122 *1 .'12 ' Bceft I 
pen («reenroicb. 
Peucbttburm auf ifloint Tine* ssO ’ <», 19J ¿ee< I 
ineilen entfernt. 
Teint Sauguil ONO.JO, 2J Seemeilen ent> 1 
('Slifttr. l.j 44 Cft.) 
Lettin, ßffcrucft unb ju babtn in brr ÄÄntfllicfcrn («tbtinioi Cbtr*$cfbod)brm(fmi 
(R. o. £«fer).

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