47. South Atlantic Ocean.
Bee Berg;s.
Large numbers of lee bergs and detached
masses of ice having been fallen in with in
the months of September and November 1869
by vessels homeward bound round Cape Horn;
— extending in the 42 d meridian of West
longitude as far north as the parallel of 42 J
South latitude: it is recommended that vessels
taking this route should sight, or pass a mo
derate distance eastward of the Falkland is
lands, and should not steer eastward of a
N. E. by N. course (true) until northward of
the parallel of 40 .
By a reference to the Admiralty Ice chart
of the Southern Hemisphere (No. 1241) it will
be seen that Ice bergs and drift ice have been
met with in the months of March and April
between the meridians of 20 and 25 West
as far north as 40', and as it appears that
exceptionally large quantities of ice are now
adrift in the South Atlantic, vessels bound
eastward round the Cape of Good Hope are
cautioned acc<n*d ingly.
(Not. to mar. No. 7. 22d January.)
IH. Indian Ocean.
Information has been received from Cap
tain Croudace of the ship Corona, of the
existence of shoal water in a part of the In
dian Ocean about 57 leagues to the south
west of Sandal-wood island, over which the
ship passed on her passage from Foochow
to London on October 1 st, I860.
A series of good astronomical observations
taken immediately after the ship had passed
over the shoal, places it in lat. 12 26 S.,
long, lltf 4<V 3" E.; the shoal was obser
ved to be circular, and not more than an
eighth of a mile in diameter, the bottom with
several fish was distinctly seen. No soundings
were obtained, but it is considered that a
probable depth of 10 fathoms existed in the
ship’s tack.
(Hydrographic Notice. N.. 2. 15th January.)
Siiö-ntlanttfdjrr Ceran.
^n C'en 'Diensten èertember unb fftoMmber i\^.
lmb Ven um liât fient heimfebretiben ¿hiffeu
cir irefie Snjabl lïtibetge unb abgefonberte (Sie
nne icfeben tretben, treibe fiefa unter 42 ÏBeft-
lange Sterben bis 42; 2üb.Streite erftrccften.
S« ift bnber «ebiffen, bie biefen îlieg nehmen,
anjurathen, bie galflanb Unfein in 3icbt in laufen
eher boeb nur in mäßigem 9Ibftanbe im Cften i
pafnren unb nicht eher üftlicber ai« N o z X cu
fteuern, bi? fie fié auf 4n (2üb< Steile befinben.
9!aé ben Eingaben ber fitèfavte ber tubliéen
fiaibfugel fpmmen Stéberge unb ireibet« im Dtärj
unb 'ilprit jn-iféen 20 : unb 2.4 iBeft - Öänge ron
(Sreentt'ié bi? 5um Sreitenparallel Pen 4u 2üb
ber unb ba e« ben 3lnféein bat, baji gegenntärtig
au§ergetpöbnlicb piel iii« im 2üb Sltiantiféen
Sceau treibt, fp irerben aué bie um« ISap fer
guten fipffnung gebenben 2éiffe hierauf aufmerf.
[am gemaét.
3nCifd)rr Ceean.
Ta« 2chiff .(Serena", Sapitaiu (Sttpuba.v, feil
auf her tKcife pen neeheie nach Venben am
1 Cftober t. im v 4nbiichen Crean, Veague«
*171 ¿ceineilen) S4V pen 2anbatooob ^«ianb,
über eine flache ¿lebe gefemmen fein, gelplbet ift
jeboch nicht irerben. Stach Schüttung betrug bie
ffiaffertiefe in her iftäbe be? ¿chiffe? ln ,4aben.
Unmittelbar barauf trurbe burch gute u'ferne,
mifebe 'i^eebachtungen bie 'Jage her Untiefe auf
12 26 2üb• 'Breite unb IIS 4n} Cftl'änge
pon (Sreentpih feftgeuclJ; fic fchien freiefermig
unb nur J Seemeile im X'urhmeüer grpR cu fein
Ser Dteeresgrunt mit perf.tiebenen .xifchen baratt*
fennte genau unwühieben teerfen.