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Full text: 1870 (1870)

45, ('nitrii States of America — Rimile Island. 
Kose Island. Verrairunset! Kay. 
Notice is hereby given, that on and after 
night of the *20 th January. 1870, a fixed 
light will be exhibited from a light-house 
rdy erected on the "outh east point of 
land, Narragansett iv. Illiode Island. 
^¿^ he station consists of wooden dwelling 
•i story high, with a lansard roof, from 
which rises a wooden tower bearing the lan 
tern and illuminating apparatus. The building 
is painted a light drab, with brown trimmings. 
The lantern is black. 
The illuminating apparatus is a lens of 
the 6 th order. 
The focal plane is at a height of 50 feet 
above the level of the sea, therefore the 
light should be visible from the deck of a 
vessel, in clear weather, at a distance of 12 
nautical miles. 
Not. to mar. No. 5. Washington. D. January 4.) 
ticremigtr Stuatm. — til)otu dolano. 
Vciirfttfcticr auf Wofc TMottfr, '?iar= 
Seit beni 20. pattuiti b. v \. brennt auf einem 
fürjlicb an ter ¿uboitfpijp- non (liefe 3*lanb er 
bauten Peucbttbumi ein fefieP reibe* -èever, melcbeä 
50' über ber SPafferfliitbe bocti tmb in flarem 
SPetter bemnacb 12 ¿cemeiien n-eit fitbti'ur ift ti. Crbnung. 
Tie Station be'tcbt atu einem böljcrnm ein- 
ftöifigen (Sebänbe mit einem i'ianfarbenbaib, über 
ivekbem ficb ein bcljemtr iburtn mit bem Peutbt- 
apparat erbebt; b.i? (betäube in beOgratt .iemali 
mit braunen üicrjiertingen, bie Paterne in fitrarj. 
Kt. first Indies. 
llariiour of St. Thomas Light. 
With reference to Notice to Mariners. 
No. 81. dated 22d November respecting 
the partial destruction of the lighthouse at 
the harbour of St. Thomas by the hurricane 
of the preceding October, and also that a 
light from a lantern would he exhibited until 
the re-establishment of the light; 
Information has been received that this 
arrangement is still carried out. but that the 
temporary light is of very little sen ice. Ma 
riners are cautioned accordingly. 
(Not. to mar. No. 9. 24 th January*.) 
tttfft - Tmsifn 
Sfcucfetfciicr freo »afeno toon 
3t. Sbotttao. 
Ta* prooifertfdit iiouer, (reiche? frit ber rhcil* 
(reifen ;{erftérung bee peuchtthiirme? am jyafen 
bon ¿t. àhemaè lam ’Tefammnad’un.i pern 22. 'lie 
t'cmbcv isti? brennt, ift nur ein Patemenfeuer tmb 
pen geringem tliutien ; habet ift 'iierfiebt netbtvenbig.

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