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Full text: 1870 (1870)

high water springs, and in clear weather 
should be seen from a distance of 22 miles. 
The illuminating apparatus is dioptric or 
by lenses, of the first order. 
The tower is 57 feet high, of a whitish 
grey colour; position, lat. 52 4 30" N., 
long. 10- 40' west from Greenwich. 
\ W. f'infenapDarat 1. Orbiting, T'er 57 
■¿burnt tft Den hellgrauer garbe 
Breite: 52 5 4' 3H" ?ierb; I'dnge: 10- 40' 
Don ©reennucb. 
49. Intended discontInuanee of up- 
pcr Skelllg« light. 
Also, that from the same date the Skel- 
ligs upper light will be discontinued. 
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
26° Westerly in 1870.) 
(40 — 42 Not. to Mar. No. 5. 13th January 1870.) 
3luöföfd>tiitß beo obc= 
reit 3fcQtßo = ¡(euer*. 
9lm 1. ÜJtoi b. 3- ft'irb bas obere 0feflig& 
Metier au$gelefd)t lrcrben. 
43. Nova Scotia — St. Lawrence Gulf. 
Hielillnieto Kiver liar. 
Information has been received, that there 
is now only 11 feet water on the bar of 
Riehibucto river, which is gradually filling 
up. The beacons which were the leading 
marks over the bar and the North beacon 
have been removed. 
The buoys in the river are red on the 
starboard, and black on the port hand, 
going in. 
44. Hay of Fund). 
l)r*trurtlon of Apple Rher Jyiuibn 
The lighthouse at Apple river has been Ter Veuibttburm am 21 pt?Ie fitter ift burcb 
destroyed by fire. geuer jerftort irerben. 
(No. 43 44. Not. to mar. No. 8. 24th January.» 
lUu-9d)0ttlunt>. — 9t. Corcm- öufrn 
J'ic Sarrc t>co 9tirf?ibi;rto:^huYr0. 
Eie Sarve bei tKifbibuctc < gluffe^, irelete ad- 
mälii; gam Mriiad't, bat jebt nur ne<b lr SBaffer. 
Eie Hafen, ireicbe als liiduun^niarfen für bie 
^Jaftage über bie 'Harre bienten, foirie bie ?terb- 
bafe finb entfernt lrcrben. 
(Im ifluffe Hegen einfemmenb an ber Steuer- 
borbfeite reibe unb an ber Hacfbrrbfeite fitirarje 

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