Ikrlin, gfbrurft unb jo babcn in btt fl&mglif'fu ®tb*mi«i C ber'6ofbu(bot lief frei
southern part of the shoal, by attending to
the pointing of the Semaphore arms at the
signal station, or by keeping the South head
beacons open about 3 breadths southwards.
The ways of the South head beacons will,
in a short time, be extended, and the beacons
adjusted to the course of the channel, of
which due notice will be given. The least
water dow in the South channel is 3 fathoms
at low water springs, deepening quickly to
4 and 5 fathoms.
Mariners are cautioned to place no depen
dence on the buoys, as they frequently break
adrift, and to exercise the greatest care in
entering, attending strictly to the steering
signals from the pilot station and keeping
the lead constantly going.
None but those thoroughly acquainted with
the local signals should attempt to cross the
bar of Manukau harbour.
(Not. to Mar. No. 105. 28th December 1869.)
Soutb #eab*Bafen ungefähr um 3 Breiten filb*
marié offen bält.
Tie Soutb J>eab * 'Men toerben in fturjem
Derfe£t tverben unb bie îKicbtung teé gabnraiïeré
angeben. Tie flacbfte 3teUe im fübltdcn gatyr-
îi'ûjter f)at äugen blicflidi 3 ^aben bei 'Jliebrigmaffer.
0prinçyeit unb gebt rafcb in 4 unb 5 j^aben liefe
Ulan mufi ftcb nicht auf bic ’.Bojen Derlaffen,
ba biefelben häufig Dertreiben, fonbem mit ber
größten Sorgfalt genau bie Signale Don ber
tfootfenitatton beaditen unb beflänbtg bas i?otb
gebrauchen. 31ur trer böllig mit ben örtlichen
6ignalen beFannt ift, fonte eé untemebmen, bie
’Barre be$ ’JJianufau»£afen? ju paffxren.