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Full text: 1870 (1870)

Aberdovey Inner red. 
Bwch black and white rings. 
Causeway black and white rings, with staff 
and diamond. 
Rhoscolyn black. 
Holyhead Bay. 
Clipera Rocks black, bell. 
Bolivar black and white striped. 
Coal Rock black, with staff and globe. 
Victoria black. 
Ethel Rock black. 
Menai Straits. 
Ten Feet Bank black and white rings. 
River Conway, South Deep. 
Fairway (can) red and white rings. 
Burlingan red. 
No. 1. red and white, striped. 
No. 2. red. 
Rings (conical) red and white rings. 
No. 3. red. 
No. 4 red. 
North Deep. 
No. 1. black and white rings. 
No. 2. black and white striped. 
No. 3. black and white striped. 
No. 4. black and white striped. 
River Dee. 
Constable black and white rings, with staff 
and diamond. 
N.W. Patch black, with staff and St. An 
drew's Cross. 
N.E. Mittle Patch black. 
Earwig black and white rings. 
S.W. Hoyle black and white striped. 
South Iloylc black and white chequered. 
West Hoyle red, with staff and globe. 
SlberboPep, gutter-, rctb. 
SBnxb fdnrarj mit ireiken ftingen. 
Gaufctrac fd'ivarj mit ireiken fiingen, mit ¿tange 
unb Stbombus. 
Sibodcclrn fdnrarj. 
•Oclttbcab SButbt. 
(ilipera ¡Reefs fdnrarj, ffiicrfe. 
Soltbar fdnrarj unb treik geflreift. 
Gcal ¡Kerf fdnrarj mit ¿tenge unb ,'fugel. 
?!irtcriu fdnrarj. 
Gtbel 'lied febmarj. 
fJienat ¿traits. 
Jen ,Vect 'Rant fdnrarje u"b ireike Jiinge. 
¡Hirer Gontrap, ¿eutb Deep, 
ilainrap Iftumpf) rctb mit treiken ¡Ringen. 
'Burlingan rctb. 
fir. I. rctb unb ireik geftreitt. 
fir. 2. rctb. 
¡King* (fegetfennig) rctb mit treiken fiingen. 
fir. rctb. 
fit. 4. retp. 
ficrib Deep. 
fir. I. fdnrarj mit ireiken ¡Ringen 
fir. 2. fdnrarj unb ireik geltreift. 
fir. .'S. beigleicben. 
fir. 4. besgieicben. 
¡Riper Dee. 
Gonflable fcblrarj mit ireiken¡Ringen, mit ¿tunge 
unb ¡Rhombus. 
NW Dateb fdnrarj mit ¿tange unb ¿t. fin- 
bread - ffreuj. 
N E fJiibble Batch febtearr 
Ganrig fcbtrarj mit ireiken fiingen. 
S4V .ncnle fd'trarj unb ireik geltreift. 
¿cutb ricnle fdnrarj unb ireik gefdtaebt. 
JBeft oople rctb mit Stange unb Kugel.

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