Sfilage just ^3rfu§if$f.
$ant i f!3«?lrd)i», jabrflatiji 1870.
Uad)rid)tcn für Seefahrer.
.Ik :{.
England — West Coast. Cnglanö.
Alteration of buoyage In St. '1* er ait ber it it ft bev 33ctottttititß im
fceorpe’s Channel. 3t. Ofcorge Munal.
The Trinity House, London, has given
Notice, that in accordance with the general
system of buoyage adopted by that corpo
ration, the buoys in St. George’s Channel
will, during the months of March and April
1870, be altered in conformity therewith.
The principal features of this system are,
that the starboard side of channels entering
from seaward will be marked by black or
red buoys only, the port side, by black or
red buoys, chequered or striped vertically
with white, and middle grounds by black or
red buoys with horizontal bands of white.
When beacons are considered necessary
to be placed on buoys, the starboard side
entering will be distinguished by globes, the
port side entering by cages, and middle
grounds by diamonds or triangles.
It is to be observed that only one colour,
either black or red, will be used in the same
The buoyage of this district will then be
as follows, viz.:
3m 5Didrj unb 21|>ril 1870 trerben bic iBojen
im 0t. (Üecr^io * lianal in llebereinftimmun^ mit
bem bom Xrinitr .'ytmfe angenommenen 0Dftem
oeränbert trerben.
Die ©tunbjüge biefes 0Dftems fünb bie, bajj
für au£ 0et fomtnenbe 0cbiffe bie ftabrtraffer an
ber 0teuerborbfeite nur mit ganz febtrarzen ober
$ant roiben Tonnen, an ber ^atfborbfeite mit
febtrarjen ober rotben, aber mei§ aefebaebten ober
fenfrecht meifc ^efheiften Tonnen, bie Mittel
grünte bureb febmarje ober rotbe, mit traaqe*
rechten meinen Streifen ORinvjen) rerfebenen
Sonnen bezeichnet iretben.
2Bo es notbtrcnbic^ ift, bie Tonnen noch burd)
iBafen ju bezeichnen, trerben bie an ber Cteuer*
bovbfeite Jiu^eln, bie an ber 3?acfborbfeite iBürfel
unb bie auf ben ÜJtittelgninben Dreiecfe ober
iKbomben erhalten.
(Ss trirb noch bemerft, ba§ in einem unb bem>
felben gabnraffer immer nur eine enttreber
febtrarj ober rotb, ejebrauebt trerben trirb.
Die tBetonnun^ trirb bemnach fol^enbe fein:
Cardigan and Caernarvon Bays.
Patches (conical) black and white rings.
Aberdovey Outer red and white striped.
Sarbiqan unb Gaernaroon iBucbt
patches (fe^elrormiq) febtrarz mit treiben iKinqen.
Wberbotep Cuter rotb unb treib geftreift.