90. hilled Slates of America — Maine.
IScucoit ill Foster's Island %ar-
rowi• !\arrns;mm:iis. Maine.
Notice is hereby given, that a Beacon
consisting of a wrought socket, upholding a
wooden shaft 25 feet in height, having a. red
cask at the top. has been placed on half-
tide ledge, Foster’s Island Narrows, Narra-
guagus, coast of Maine.
Not. lo Mar. No. 9a. Washington, Dec. 15, 1869.)
nortiatlantifiijcr Offen. — ìUrcmigte Staaten.
«afe tu ber Citine tu?n fteffer’©
$?arraflii<iaiiö inaine).
9luf bem Jè>alf * XiCe * ;Kiff in ber tinge Don
^ofter'è ^élanb ift eine 'Me, beftefjenb auä
cincin rfufcgeftell, melcbe» einen 21’ beben iBaum
mit einem rotben £a§ au ^ er 3hi^e trägt, er»
richtet werben.
91. liitllr C-ull hlaml liierlitlioiiMe.
eastern entrance to l.oiiic Island
Notice is hereby given, that on the evening
of the 15th December, 1809, and every evening
thereafter, a second order fixed white light,
illuminating the entire horizon, will be shown
from the new tower recently built on Little
Gull ¡viand: eastern entrance to Long Island
Sound; and at the same time, the fourth or
der light now shown will be withdrawn.
The buildings consist of a gray granite
tower, surmounted by a lantern, painted black,
and connected with a keeper's dwelling, of
red sand-stone, with granite trimmings.
The dwelling is two stories high, with a
Mansard roof.
The buildings stand on a whitewashed
protecting pier of granite.
The tower is 74 feet high, and the height
of focal plane above sea-level 92 feet, con
sequently the light should be seen from the
deck of a vessel 15£ nautical miles distant
The illuminating apparatus is a lens of
the second order.
VciichtfcHcr mir Vittlc Wn0 Jelattb,
an brr öftlicbeu (Pinfiibrt in beit
Von«> Jolniib .2unb '^icm-'gerf .
¿eit fern 15. rejember r. V Y brennt auf bent
fuiilui' neu erbauten Vencbttinirm auf Vittle (Vull
^bianb ein fefter reetfie# ¡«euer jmetter Crbnunct,
irelite? über beu .v 1n J c!l iierijent Irucbtet, 92'
über bem ifieeresfbtegel bed' unb bemnaeb t5', 5ee>
tueilen ireii iidtbar ifl, ^iei.bjeiri.t ift bar Hebende
tieiubtfeuer inerter Crbmmg етдедапдеп.
Гег aus .trauern Wranit erbaute unb eine
febmarje tlateme tragenbe tfeudUtbumt ift 74 betb
unb üeht mit einem ilfärtcrbaufe pen retbem 5anb<
fteiu mit iterjierungen nur (Granit in 4>erbinbun-t.
riefe Webäube fiebert «ruf einem rveifien 3cbuR.
bamm reit ©ranit. Гаг ijaus iü ttrei iteef.
trerFe bedt unb bat ein flianfarbenbacb.
i'inienaeearat ttreiter Crbmmg.
v fn üiebeliretter leirb eine Г,impfpfeife 5 ¿e-
fnnben lang in .ftrifibenräumen ren 25 ¿efunben
Tic bis jept .iebrauibli.be ftebelglocfe rerbleibt
jebe.b netb jur JieferPe für ben ¡rafl, b.ip bie
'JJiafcbine bes CamPffignals ben 3>tenft Perfagen