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Full text: 1870 (1870)

— 87 
vessel placed near the wreck of the Golden 
Fleece, off Sully island, — 
The Trinity House, London, has given 
Notice that, as there is now a depth of 12 
feet at low water springs over the wreck, the 
light vessel h is been removed, and the wreck 
now remains marked by the usual green buoy. 
Nut. to Mar. No. 12G. 
be$ „©olbcn ^ieece", bet ber 3uiiu 3nfci, tuirb 
befannt gemacht, ba§ ficb icfjt über bem Bracf bei 
2pring$eit ‘Jiiebrtgroaffer 12 Jyuß ‘Baffer befinben, 
ba§ Jeuerfdiiff entfernt unb ba3 Bracf nur noch 
burd) bie gebräuchliche grüne Tonne bezeichnet 
Filmland West roast — l.itrrpool bay ami 
Jlrrsfj river rut r:iu re. 
:*(»<». AII<»ration af buoyage 
in Queen, l irioria and llurse 
The Dock Office, Liverpool, has given 
Notice, that on the 30th November, or as 
soon after as possible, the following altera 
tion in the buoyage of the channels leading 
into the Mersey river, will be made, viz.: 
Queen channel. 
In consequence of the extension north 
ward of the Little Burbo bank, the South 
bar red can buoy will fie moved N. s /* W. 
150 fathoms into 9 feet at low u’ater, and in 
consequence of the extension to the north 
westward of the Spit of Jordan bank, the 
black nun buoy will be moved N. W. IOC* 
fathoms into 20 feet water. 
Victoria channel. 
The red can buoys, Nos. 2 and 3, will be 
removed, and the black nun buoys, Nos. 1 
and 3, will be readjusted so as to mark the 
S. \V. and S. E. points of Little Burbo hank. 
Ilorse channel. 
The red can buoy No. 3 will be moved 
E. S. E. 100 fathoms into 20 feet at low water. 
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
22 l /i r Westerly iu 1870.) 
Not. to Mur. Nu. 12.‘l. 
Tiurrpool pai unb Bluiiiuiiig brs Blerfttj 
TüiiiirnUetrttifceru'.iq in beit Auren:, 
iSictoriii: unb Jj?orff:(£ancilen. 
31m 30. fiiooember, ober fobatb wie möglidj ttad) 
tiefem Tage, foli fulgente ©eränbernng in ter ©c 
tornnmg tev Kanäle, bie nad) ber SJiiinbimg beS 
ÜKerfen führen, »orgenontmen werben: 
Cueen Kanal. 
Jn golge ber 31 u-ibel) innig ber Sittle ©urbo 
©ant nad) 'Horben ju, wirb bie rette ftumpfe 
Tonne ber (¡¡blieben ©arre 150 gaben nad) H’/.S 
in D gitß bei Hiebrigroaffer »erlegt unb ba fid) bie 
Spitäe ber fortan ©an! natb Horbwejlen jn oor^ 
gejuben bot, wirb bie fdfwarge fpipe Tonne 'X) 
gaben nad) HS in ¿0 guß 'S affet oevlegt. 
©ictoria Kanal. 
Tie rotben fiumpfen Tonnen 'dir. 2 unb 3 
inerten aufgenommen unb bie fdfwargen fpiBen 
Tonnen Dir. I imb 3 werben wieber aufgelegt, um 
bie 2S unb ©C'fRänber ber Piule ©urbe ©ant 
ju bejeidjneu 
•£>orfc Kanal. 
Tic rotbe ftumpfe Tonne Dir. 3 wirb 100 ga= 
ben nach C2C in 20 guß bei Hiebrigwaffer oer> 
(peil. ntißw., ©¡ißm. 22 '/4 “ Seft 1870.)

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