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Full text: 1870 (1870)

The buoy is a large conical buoy, pain 
ted black, with staff and globe, moored 
in 4*/ a fathoms at low water springs. It lies 
E. */j N., 7 miles from the Winterton Ridge 
buoy, and S. ’/| E., 18 1 ,'« miles from the Le 
man and Ower light - vessel. Position, lat. 
52" 51' 30" N., long. 2° 12' 30" East. 
Not. to Mar. No. 121. 
Tonne, fottie 27*C, 187< Seem, bom t'emait 
uni Cirer gcuerfd)iff. 
Cage: 52° 51' 30" 9torb ¿'reite, 2° 12' 30“ 
Oft Cänge bon ©reentb. 
(feil, miß., аЩгг. 19 1 /» 0 ©eft, 1870.) 
River Thames eiitranre. 
U5H. TIapliii snntl buoys. 
Also, with reference to Notice to Mari 
ners No. 104, dated 3rd October 1870, re 
specting the extension of the Maplin sand 
and the proposed alteration in the buoyage 
of it: — 
The Trinity House has given Notice, that 
the following alteration has been made, viz. 
West Maplin Spit. — A black can 
buoy, marked West Map lin Spit, has been 
placed on the western projection of the spit 
which extends in a southerly direction from 
the Maplin lighthouse. The buoy is moored 
in 9 fathoms at low water springs, with the 
following marks and bearings 
Maplin lighthouse N. E. '/■• E. l io of 
a mile. 
Maplin Spit buoy E. by N. l /a N. half 
a mile. 
Maplin buoy W. ‘ i S. l 9 /,o miles. 
Maplin Spit buoy has been moved half 
a mile E. by N. 7a N. from its former po 
sition, and now lies in 5’/a fathoms at low 
water springs, with the following marks and 
bearings — 
St. Nicholas Church, its length to the 
westward of Pan Sand beacon S. 1 * E. 
Maplin lighthouse N. W. by W. Vi W. 
-/in of a mile. 
East Maplin buoy N. E. r ’/i« of a mile. 
East Maplin buoy now lies in b'/t fa 
thoms at low water springs with the following 
marks and bearings — 
Tonnen auf bent iStapitn 2anb. 
Mit 2?esug auf tue 91adjrid)t für Seefafgtr 
91 r. 303., betreffenb bie SiuSbelmung be« tDlaplin 
2anbc« mit bis beeorflebenbe Setänbernng ber Ton 
nen, mirb angejeigt, bafe nadjiteljenbe Stenberungen 
borgenommen finb: 
Söeft Maplin 2pit. Sine fdjwarje ftumpfe 
Tonne, bejeidmet „Söejl SDiapUn 2pit", ifl auf 
bem tneftlidjen SluPlättfer ber 5?anf, treidle fid) in 
füblitfer SRitfitung ootn Maplin ieudjttijurra au« 
erftreeft, aufgelegt unb strar in 9 gaben bei 2pring= 
jeit 9üebrignjaffer, unter folgenben Teilungen: 
i'iaplin Ceud)ttl)urm 310 ‘/aC, 0,* 2ecm. entf. 
Maplin 2pit Tonne Oj917»31, 0,v @eem. entf. 
Maplin Tonne Sß'/a®, l,a 2ecm. entf. 
Maplin 2pit Tonne ifl 7» 2eem. £¿917» 91 
bon ber früheren 2telte eertegt unb jttar in ö'/i 
gaben SBaffer bei 2pringjeit=3fiebrigtbaffer, unter 
folgenben feilungen: 
2t. 91id?ola« fiirdte, um beren eigene Sänge 
»cftlidi bon ber fan 2attb Stofe, 2720. 
Maplin Seudjttliurnt 913B}SB , 0,a 2eem. 
Oft Maplin Tonne 910, 0,e 2eent. entf. 
Oft Maplin Tonne liegt ie^t in 57a gaben 
ffiaffer bei @pring}eit=91iebrigtmffer, unter folgen- 
ben Teilungen: 
Moufe geuerftiiff, fiiblid) eben frei bom Ma 
plitt Ceudfttburm, 2®}ffi7 4 ®- 
'Maplin Vendittbiirm @®jS37*®» 0,» Seent. 
Maplin 2pit Tonne 23B, 0,« 2eent. entf. 
910 = Maplin Tenne 9?Cj9i, l,i 2eem. entf.

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