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Full text: 1870 (1870)

— 79 — 
yards from its extremity. The dome of the 
lantern is painted red, the other parts of it 
lhe light is elevated 273 feet above the 
mean level of the sea, illuminating an arc of 
360°*) of the horizon, and should he seen, 
in ordinary states of the atmosphere, from 
the deck of a vessel 15 feet above the water, 
at the distance of 23'/a nautical miles. 
The keeper's dwelling is a two-story woo 
den building, painted white, with green blinds, 
and is placed at the top of the steep slope, 
230 feet higher than the base of the tower. 
The geographical position of the Light- 
House, as shown by the United States Coast 
Survey Chart, is latitude 37° 59' 39" North, 
longitude 123" 00' 16" West from Greenwich. 
The magnetic variation is 16° 08' East. 
A tangent to the shore in an easterly di 
rections bears S. 74° E., magnetic, and this 
line limits the visibility in that direction. 
The angle of visibility over the water is 285°. 
The following are the magnetic bearings 
from the tower to prominent points, viz: 
To Point Bonita light-house, E. 9° S., or 
E. 3 /4 S., distant 27 Vs miles. 
To South Farallon light-house, S 18 3 /* 
E., or S. by E. */s E., distant Wji miles. 
To Point Arena light-house, N. 47 8 /a° 
W., or N. W. l /x W., distant 67 miles. 
Not. to Mur. No. 115. 
i'uft, bei 15' ÄugeS^e, 23‘/t Scent, fecit fidjt* 
bar fein. 
Die & l ärterteobmmg ift ein gtoeiftörfigeS Ijöi- 
ScrneS C^ebätibe, fecip gemalt, mit grünen fyenfter 
laben unb liegt auf ber 2pit*e bc§ fteilen iHbiian- 
gc$, 230' böber a 13 bie iöafiö bed VciKbttbnrmS. 
Die geogr. Vage bc$ VeucbttburmS ift nach ber 
llniteb 2tate3 Cioaft 2urtetj Cibart: 37° 59' 39" 
'Jiorb Breite nnb 123° 0' 16" SBeft iänge ton 
Ih’ipro. 16" 8' Cft. 
©ne 3?eriibrung$tinie mit bem tfanbe, in öft= 
lieber Miefotung, in ber Teilung 274°C (mirro.) 
begrenzt ben 2ebfrci$ in biefer Oiicbtiing] Der 
VicbtireiS ttacb Sto bin beträgt einen Regelt ton 
Die foigenben Teilungen (tnijjfe.) tont Dburnt 
ano nach bertorragenben fünften fittb: 
Veuibttburni auf ber 2pit}c 33ouita Cö°2 ober 
C 3 A2, 27V* 2eem. entf. 
^eutbtiburnt 2üb farallon 218 3 A°C o^-r 
SjOVsO, 17 3 /4 2eem. entf. 
Veudmburm auf ber 2pifce ilrena 0i47 3 
ober iMBV.iSB, 67 2eem. entf. 
‘-Befanntmadjung bev 2cl)frciö auf nur 285° 
*) 2d)iint ein Xrucffctjlcr ju fein. Da Weiter unten in bertelben 
angegeben ift. 
3Äarine»3)tinijteriutn, i>pbrograp^if(be8 ©itreau. 
Srei^err non fteibnity.

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