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Full text: 1870 (1870)

— 77 — 
fyrinriittningen höras, att derifrän besvaras fof^enbc Sdfüffe beantwortet Werben, beftäit biä 
nied 2:ne tiitt p.i hvarandra följande kanons- auf ÏBettercS feine ©iiltigteit. 
kott. Stockholm den 4. November 1870. 
Underrättelse fur sjöfarande. Nu. 27. 1870. 
Inlteel States of America — Sew Aork. 
1)51. Hcmovnl of (lit* „Wreck 
of the (Scotland.** — Uglit-Vesstel. 
Official information has been received, 
that the „ Wreck of the Scotland“ having 
been removed, and that there is a depth of 
22'/i feet water, at mean low tide where the 
wreck was, which is a greater depth than in 
places in the immediate neighborhood of the 
wreck. The Light-vessel placed to mark 
that obstruction will be removed on the 
5th day of December next, and that light- 
station will be from that date abolished. 
Not to Mar. No. 112. 
Bereinigte Staaten na« -\nterira. — tirra IJarlt 
(intfcruuitti bco Sßracfo &cb 2cotl<utb. 
TaS 3£rad beä „Scottlanb" ¡ft entfernt. Tic 
SBaffertiefe, in welcher baä iSrad tag, ift 22*/*' 
unb ift gröber als bie in unmittelbarer iläbe bauen. 
Tab fjeuerfebiff, bas bieS liirad begegnete, 
teirb am 5. Tecember er. teeggenommen unb baS 
Jener gc(öfcf)t. 
( nitccl States of Amrrira — Virginia. 
35%. I.itflit - Iioiimo at l iirk Spit 
Shoal, (TiCMapeako Hay, Virginia. 
Notice is hereby given, that on th evening 
of November 15, 1870, a fixed red light, 
of the 5th order, will be exhibited from the 
screw-pile light-house, which has been re 
cently erected in 127s feet water, at mean 
tide, on York Spit Shoal, at the mouth of 
York river, in Chesapeake Bay. 
The light-vessel now stationed to mark 
that shoal will, at the time of the exhibition 
of the light from the light-house, be removed. 
The iron work of the foundation of the 
light - house is painted red, and the super 
structure yellow. 
The focal plane of the light is 38 feet 
above ordinary sea level, and the light should 
be visible all around the horizon in clear 
weather at a distance of 11 1 /» nautical miles. 
Sciicbttburm rtuf ber ?)orf vsipit Uns 
tiefe, Ghcfapcafe fönt. 
3(m 15. 'Jlooember er. wirb ein fefteS rotbeä 
geuer, 5. Crbti., auf bem in Straffer bei 
mittlerem ffiafferftanbe auf bev ?)orf Spit Uu 
tiefe, in ber iBlünbung beb ;?)orf gluffeb, Gbefa 
peafe 33ai, neu erbauten Scbraubcnpfeilcr i'eudp 
tburm angejiinbet. 
Tab Jcuerfdjiff, welcbeb bisher biefe Untiefe 
begegnete, roirb an bem Tage ber Snjiinbung beä 
¡Jeuerb entfernt. Ter eiferne ©runbbau beb ieuebt- 
tburmb ift rotb, ber Cberbau gelb gemalt. 
Tic ¡Jocal ■- ßbene beä geuerä liegt 38' über 
ber gewöhnlichen ©afferfläebe unb wirb baä ¡Jeuer 
bei flarer Cuft ruub um ben gangen §origont 11'/% 
Seem. weit fiibtbar fein. 
Eine Diebelglode, burd) eine ÜJiafcbine in Se» 
njegung gefept, bie in gleichmäßigen Jnteroallen 
non 10 Seamben ertönt, ift an ber öftlidjen Seite

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