Ymrsarer island — Juan dr Kura strait.
338. Nianken rork oil' llit k
Trial islands
Information has been received that a sun
ken roek lias recently been discovered in the
Major channel, leading to Haro strait.
The rock (Brodie rock) has 3 fathoms
on its shoalest part at low water springs,
and lies nearly one mile N. E. 1 /a N. from
the summit af Trial island.
Clearing marks:
To the northward. North point of Small
Trial island, in line with Foul point, W.S.W.
To the southward. Foul point, seen bet
ween the Trial islands, W. 2 /a S.
To the eastward. East point of Great
Chain island, in line with Cadboro point,
N. by W.
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation
22 11 Easterly in 1870.)
Not. to Mar. No. 117.
Uniifouocr 3 n ffh — e* 11011 & e ?ura StrnBc.
llnttcfe bei beit i$rial Unfein.
©ne Untiefe ift in bem iDiatior Canal, ber
nad) ber .ftaro 3 trage führt, gefunben trorbeit.
Tiefelbe (probte rod) hat auf ber flauen
(Stelle bei Springjeit-^iebrigtuaffer 3 fabelt ©af*
fer unb liegt beinahe 1 <2eem. ten ber
bödrften (Spifcc ber ^niel Trial.
Wichtung San gaben. nörblidjer Wich'
tnng: Wörtliche 2pifjc ber 3maü Trial 3nfel, in
@in$ mit *youl 3pit$e, ©33B.
'\ii fiiblichcr Widmmg: Jveul Spifce, junfdjen
ben Trial 'snfeln gefehen, ©*/*§•.
3n öftlicber Wichtung: Ceftlidje 3pi£c^ her
©reat Chain (siifel, in ©n§ mit Gabboro 3pi§e
($eil. mi§»., Wdfjro. 22° Cft, 1870.)
ÎYfH /('»laud — foot strait — Astrolabe roads.
339. Iloat-on on llapuka rork.
Also, that an iron beacon, with cage, pain
ted red, has been placed on llapuka rock,
Astrolabe roads, Tasman (Blind) bay.
This rock is 2 feet out of water at low-
water springs.
Not. to Mur. No. 89.
(Took Giraffe. — Xflrolabr Uonbe-
Söafe auf bem &apufa Reifen.
CSine eifernc rott)e i^afe mit ©iirfcl ift auf
bem .fpapufa Reifen, Slftrotabe WcabS, Taöman
(9?linb) 33ai errichtet.
i'ei 3pringjeit Wiebrigroaffer erhebt ficb biefer
Reifen 2 $u§ über ©affer.
Mirth Island — Hauraki Gulf.
340. Keneon on Flat rock,
oil* Hawaii island
Also, that an iron beacon, with cage
surmounted by a diamond, painted black,
has been placed on Flat rock, eastward of
Kawau point, Kawau island.
Not. to Mar. No. 89.
ïlürbitdjc 3n(tl. — guuruhi ©olf.
:Bafr auf bem 51at 5çlfcn, bet ber
ft await 3nfel.
Ginc fdjmavjc eifernc Safe mit Sßiirfel unb
3it)omlm« ift auj bem glat gdfen, öftlitfi son
Saroau Spise, siairau Jttfel, crridjtet tuorben.