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Full text: 1870 (1870)

326. Buoy at Barcelona. 
Also, that a white buoy, with hlaek 
band, staff and globe, has been placed 
off the extremity of the eastern pier, Bar 
Vessels should not attempt to pass bet 
ween the buoy and the pier. 
Not. to Mar. No. 115. 
ijonitc 511 Barcelona. 
trine weife Tonne mit fthwarjen Streifen unb 
Stange mit Saget ift tor bent Hopf beb öftlidjcn 
.pafettbammeb gu ¡Barcelona aufgelegt. 
Schiffe biirfen gwifdjett btefer Toune unb bent 
.pafenbamm nicht paffirett. 
Scot In ml — West roast. 
337, Altcratioii in irilrosttian 
liarbour liiplil. 
The Commissioners of Northern Light 
houses have given Notice, that the following 
alteration has been made in the light at the 
extremity of the breakwater at Ardrossan. 
The fixed red light has been changed to 
a white flashing light, showing bright 
two seconds and eclipsed one second. 
Not to Mar. No. 116. 
Scotland — Vest roast. 
3?§. Burt Patrick. 
Information has been received through 
the Board of Trade, that the buoys marking 
the channel into Port Patrick have been dis 
placed by late gales, and will not be replaced, 
as the management of the harbour has been 
relinquished; also, that in consequence of the 
rapid demolition, by storms, of the works of 
the harbour, great alterations have taken place 
— and are still likely to take place in 
the depths as denoted in the charts. Mari 
ners seeking the port are cautioned accor 
Not to Mar. No. 120. 
Sdfottlanb. — HJr|lhü[lr. 
SSrrnnbcrunß bes ülrtnoffan Jpctfcnr 
fr it cro. 
Tab fefte rotbe geuer auf bem Stopf beb 
SBellenbrecfjerä 311 Slrbroffan ift in ein wcifjeb 
¡Btinffeuer »eränbert, bab nad) einer Terbunfelung 
non 1 Seemtbe 'Tauer einen hellen iMinf tum 
2 Secmtbett Tauer jetgi. 
j?rij(ittlnni>. ttlrfdliillf 
i&afcn '%Vttrief. 
Tie Tonnen beb denials nad) bem fpafen Ta 
trief finb bei ben lebten Stürmen oeririeben unb 
werben nicht luieber aubgelegt, ba bie Unterhaltung 
biefeb pafenb eingeftellt worben ift. 
gertter fittb in Jolge ber burcf) Stürme Der. 
urfachten bebeutenben ßerftörungeii ber .pafettwerfe 
grofte SBeränbcrungen ber iit ben Harten augegebe, 
nett Tiefen eingetreten unb werben ooraubfidftlich 
ttod) (intreten. 
Seefahrer, bie biefen .pafen befugen, werben 
bemgemäg gewarnt.

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