Island ef Celebes — llarassar.
318. Substitution of light on
shore for threat Lelij li{ftli-vessel
The Batavian Government has given No
tice, that on and after the 1st October 1870,
the fixed red light hitherto shown from
Great Lelij light - vessel, near the town of
Macassar, will be discontinued; and that a
light will be established on the adjacent main
land of Celebes, about 4‘/a cables southward
of Losari Monument.
The new light will be a fixed light illu
minating in a seaward direction an arc of
180°, divided into three sections, of which
the central one measuring 30° shows a red
light, and the others, each of 75°, a white
light. The lantern is placed at an elevation
of 39 feet above the level of high water; the
red light being visible from a distance of 3
miles, and the white light 8 miles.
From the .lighthouse, the beacon on Pien-
jing shoal bears S. 67° 30' W. and the bea
con on south end of Great Lelij shoal N.
65'* 30' W.; the red sector of light being
about midway between these beacons.
Directions. — The new light will serve,
in conjunction with the Harbour light at Ma
cassar, to render Macassar roads easy of
access from the south and south-west. For
this purpose, having entered the red sector
of light, steer for the light on an Easterly
bearing, until Macassar harbour light bears
N. E. by N. when steer for it, taking care
on approaching the latter light, to alter course
more to the northward in order to enter the
(All Bearings arc Magnetic. Variation
D/s 0 Easterly in 1870.)
Not. to mar. No. 102.
(Crlrhea. — Hlaca|Tnr.
<?rfcfeung Wrcat Sfclij ¡ioiiorfdiiffö
bureb ein Reiter an ber ftiitfe.
2lttt 1. Cftober er. ift ba8 fefte rotlje geuer
auf bettt @reat Selij geuerfd)iff, bei ber @tabt
Macaffar, gelöfdjt, imb ein geuer auf bem artl>e*
genben geftlanbe Bott GelebeS ungefähr 4’/a Siabef=
längen füblid) com Sofort Monument errietet.
XaS neue geuer ift feft, baS nach ®ee ju über
einen Sogen oott 180° leuchtet, ber in brei (secto-
ren geteilt ift, Bon betten ber mittlere eine 21uS»
bebnung Bon 30° bat nttb rotb erfcfjeittt, bie beiben
attbertt Bon je 75° 2lu8bcbnung erlernen roetp.
Tie Saternc befinbet ftdj 39' über ^odjtttaffcr;
ba3 rortje 9icbt ift 3 Seem., bie rceijjctt 8 @eem.
rceit fiebtbar.
Sollt Veudjttburm au8 toirb gepeilt:
bie Safe auf ber 'ßienjing Untiefe ®67 C 30'3B
bie Safe auf bem füblicben fRattbe ber fiireat
Celij Untiefe 3f65°30'2l l .
Ter rotbe Vic^tfecror fall; beinahe mitten jini«
fdjen biefe Safen.
Sem er tun g. TieS neue geuer bient baju,
mit in Serbinbuiig mit bem |)afenfeuer ju 3Jia
eaffar, ohne Oiefabr auf bie ilfbebc cott Macaffar
Bott @tib unb ber ju gelangen, ©obalb matt
in beit rotben Vicbtfcctor gelaugt ift, fteure man
auf baä Vicftt ju, cS oftlidj peilettb, bis Macaffar
.'pafenfetter 'JfOj'li peilt. Tarattf halte man auf
leptere« ju unb fteure itt ber 9iäf)e beffelbett circa«
nörblidjer, um auf bie ilibebe jtt fommen.
(Seil. mijjtB., Mipto. l‘/s 0 Oft 1870.)
SPiorme.iDünifleriutn, Jpt)brogropi)if4 e ® Surtou.
guiberr Bon Stiibnip.