Not. to Mar. N0. 100.
Iniicil Stales #f iinrrlra — Yirsuiia.
314. Fi\etl and (liiNhing light
on Wolf Trap shoal.
The United Slates Government has given
Notice, that on the 1st October 1870 a light
was exhibited from the screw-pile lighthouse,
recently erected in 12 feet at low-water springs
on Wolf Trap shoal , Chesapeake bay, and
that the temporary light marking the shoal is
From the lighthouse, the iron work of
whose foundation is painted red and super
structure lead colour, at an elevation of 3(1
feet above high water, is exhibited a fixed
white light, of the fourth order, varied by
a bright flash every thirty seconds,
and visible in clear weather from a distance
of 11 miles.
During foggy or thick weather a fog bell
will be sounded by machinery, at uniform
intervals often seconds, from the eastern side
of the lighthouse.
From the lighthouse, Stringray point light
house bears N. by W. 3 /4 W. about 10 3 /*
miles, and New point Comfort lighthouse
S. \V. V« S.
Directions.—- Vessels drawing over 25
feet water should not approach the lighthouse
on the eastern side nearer than half a mile.
Vessels drawing not more than 18 feet water
may approch the lighthouse on the nord and
south sides within l'/j miles; and those
drawing over 6 feet should not attempt to
pass between the lighthouse an the main land.
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation
3° 5' West in 1870.)
Bfrtiiiigie Stauten. — Birflinien.
jyeftes ¡votier mit SMiiifeit nuf ber
jßoif Itav föanf.
Slm I. October er. ift auf bem fiirjlid) auf ber
SMf Trap Faul in ber tibefapeale Söai in 12 Ju§
"•Blaffer bei Spring jeiPDliebrigroaffcr auf Strauben-
Pfeilern erbauten ?eucf)ttf)urm ei:t Jener angejünbet
uttb baS probiforifdfe Jener, bad bic iöanf beneid)-
nete, gelöfcpt.
Ter VeudjU^urm, beffeit eiferner (Mritttbbau
rotb uttb ber Oberbau bleifarben gemalt ift, jeigt
itt einer £)öbc nott 3ti Jttjj über .'poebmaffer ein
fefleS tt'eipeS Jener 4. Orbit, mit bellen töteten
alle 30 Secunbett, baS bei flarcr Suft 11 Seem.
meit ftcbtbav ift.
"Bet "Diebel uttb biefetn SSetter wirb eine au ber
¡.’fllidjett Seite bes feuebttburmd angebrachte Diebel-
gieefe in regelmäßigen ¡Jnterüallen »on 10 Secun-
ben geläutet.
'Tom Peueijitliitmi and p. ¡ft:
Stiiigral) point Venebttburm DlgSß} 3 /*®- 1 , unge
fähr IO* 1 /* Seem. entf.
'Dient peint (iomfort Veucftttburnt SS'/eS.
Söemertung. Schiffe mit einem Tiefgang
über 25 Jup biirfen fiel) bem ?eucf)ttbitvm auf ber
öftlicben Seite Hiebt ntebr al§ '/* Seem. näijertt;
biejenigen mit niebt ntebr als 18 Juf; Tiefgang
teilten an ber Dforb- tmb Subfeitc bid innerhalb
1 ’/2 Seem. beratigebett tmb bie über G Juf Tief
gang biirfeit niebt uerfiidteit gmifcbeit bem Veue^f-
tbnrm nnb bem Jeftlaub gu paffircn.
('Feil, mifm., DJciftt). 3" 5' SFeft 1870.)