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Full text: 1870 (1870)

50 — 
have given Notice, that, pursuant to the uni 
form code for distinguishing the position of 
buoys by colour, the colour of the Tain bar 
fairway buoy, Dornoch firth, has been chan 
ged from red to red and white horizon 
tal bands, with the word Fairway upon it. 
Not. to Mar. No. 108. 
Tornod) girth, ift jet<t rotti uttb weiß roagercdjt 
geftreift, mit bent ©orte „¡yameat) 11 bejcidpiet. 
England — East roast. 
300. Alteration in Coquet 
The Trinity House, London, has given 
Notice, that on or about the 1st December 
1870 the following alteration will be made in 
Coquet light; viz.: 
The red portion of the light seen in the 
direction of Hauxley head will show white 
as far to the westward as N. by E. ‘/s E. 
Also, that a light will be exhibited from 
the lower part of the tower, showing white 
from N. N. VV. (being 1’ cables outside Hauxley 
buoy) to N. V* W., from which last bearing 
to the land it will show red over the Eon- 
dicar Bush shoal. 
Also, that the Hauxley buoy will, in fu 
ture, be coloured red. 
And, that further particulars will be duly 
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
22" Westerly in 1870.) 
Not. to Mar. No. 108. 
ffiitglanb. — Wpküjlf. 
Serrinbmutg bei 6oqurt Jfcumv 
SBom 1. Tccentber er. ab foüett am ßoquet 
geiler folgettbe SBeränbernngeii horgenontmen teerten: 
Ter rotite Tbeit be§ Ötd)te§ itt ber IHidjtiing 
nad; paityleR t»cab bin, erft£»eitu hon jet'i ab meift 
öftlid) hon ber '¿Richtung 
3m unteren TbeU be? TbttnncS toirb ein ?id(t 
angejünbet, ba§ »¿itf con OMi© (2 Habetlangen 
auRevf)atb ber .paarten Tonne) bis 917s© utib 
hon f)ieraitS bis nach fianb über bie ¡Bottbicar 
2?ufb 2?ant rotl) erfd)eint. 
Tie .pauktet) Tonne toirb in 3ufunft rott) ge» 
matt fein. 
Stöbere Angaben toerben feiner 3 e ' 1 erfolgen. 
(feil, mijjro., fDiifcth. 22° ©eft, 1870.) 
England — Bristol rhannrl. 
307. Extension of red ¡shade 
in Flatholin liightlioiiH«‘. 
Information has been received that, in 
order to facilitate the navigation to and from 
Penarth roads, the red shade exhibited from 
ffinglttttb. — ISrillol (Tanni. 
C^rntcitfrunq beo rotben SficbtfcbcincS 
bom glntbolin Vt'iiditfriirr. 
Urn bie <gd)ifffabrt hott uttb nad) ber Dibebe 
hott < ßenartb su erleichtern, thirb ber rotbe ©ebein 
hont giaietti! Veudjtfeuer, ber bie ©eft Carbiff

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