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Full text: 1870 (1870)

lire Sound. 
300. Fixed light at 
Also, that on the above date a fixed 
white light will he established on the north 
point of Hjertuesstrand, on the eastern side 
of Ulve Sound. 
The light, which is of the sixth order and 
53 feet above the sea, will be visible in clear 
weather from a distance of 8 to 10 miles, 
and will be lighted from the 1st August to 
the following 15th May. 
The approximate position of the light 
house is in lat. 61’ 59' N., long. 5° 10' East. 
Not. to Mar. No. 105. 
Иогшгдгп. Wlf(lhii|lf. — Шве Siinb. 
i?etfcö Jyoucr $u »jertiiesflraiib. 
$0 berfelben Qeit foU auf brr DJorbfpibe Bon 
.fpiertneäftranb, an ber Cftfeitc be§ Шве <3unb, ein 
fefteS tneijjcS Jycuer angejiinbet merben. 
(iä ift 6. Crbit., 58 gut! über ber SDieereSfläcbe, 
bei flarcr Suft 8 bis 10 Seem. tueit fidjtbar unb 
brennt веш 1. Slitguft bi? jutn folgenben 15. ÜJiat. 
Tie aiiitäbernbc Sage ift: 61° 59' 'Jiorb Breite 
unb 5° 10' Cft Sänge con ©reemo. 
England — East roast. 
301. Goodwin 1411011 buoy. 
The Corporation of the Trinity House, 
London, have given Notice, that on or about 
the 1st November next, the Goodwin Knoll 
buoy, at present painted black and white with 
horizontal stripes, will be changed in colour 
to black. 
With reference to this buoy, mariners are 
reminded that it is intended for guidance in 
the navigation of the Gull stream; and that 
it is not advisable to pass between it and the 
North Sand Sead light-vessel. 
Not. to Mar. No. 103. 
©nglanb. — ©(1 Siiflf. 
(tfoobnmt Snr!( $onnr. 
21m 1. DloBember er. wirb bic ©oobtoin Stnoli 
Tonne, bic bibfgr febtnarj unb /neig magerest ge 
ftreift trar, .fdjtnarj gemalt. 
23e,täglich biefer Tonne merben bie Seefahrer 
baran erinnert, baff fie als Jübrer fiir bie T*affage 
beS ©ult ftreant bient unü bap cS nicht raibfant 
ift, jtBifcffen ihr unb bem 'liorth ¡Tanb .peab Jener ^ 
fdjiff 3« paffiren. 
F.nshmd — East roast. 
302 I*nkelii*ld Cntwny. 
The Corporation of the Trinity House, 
London, have given Notice that the depth 
of water has much decreased in Pakefield 
Gutway; and Mariners are hereby cautioned 
that they cannot depend on obtaining a greater 
depth than 11 feet at low water spring tides. 
Not. to Mar. No. 101. 
(gnfllnnb. — ©flkiifle. 
‘Vrtfcfirlb Wittum» 
Tie ©affet * Tiefe im T'afefielb ©atina» l>at 
beträd)tli(f} abgenommen unb iann auf eilte größere 
Tiefe als 11 Juft bei ©pringjett - 'Jiiebrigioaffer 
nicht gerechnet Werben.

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