16, dated 8t!i February 1870, respecting the
proposed exhibition of a light from a light
house recently erected on Sandy Cape:
The Colonial Government of Queensland
has given further Notice, that the light is
now exhibited.
The light is a revolving white light,
attaining its greatest brilliancy every two
minutes, elevated 400 feet above the level
of the sea, and in clear weather should be
seen from a distance of 27 miles.
The illuminating apparatus is dioptric or
by lenses, of the first order.
The tower, 99 feet high, is built of iron
and painted white. Position, lat. 24° 43' 20"
S., long. 153° 13' 40" East.
Not. to Mar. No. 8t>.
einem auf Cap Satibp nett erbauten Seudjttburm,
toirb angegeigt, baf; ba§ gcuer Fht attgejünbet ift.
($4 ift ein toeifeS Trebieitcr, mit ShtterBallen
Don jmei SDIinuten; 400 fyitf über bev IDieereS»
fläche mtb bet flarcr hilft 27 Seem. tveit ficbtbar.
iinfenapparat 1. Ctimung.
Cer Thurm ift von (Sifen, toeif geftvidjeu unb
99 guf pod).;
Sage: 24° 43' 20" «üb Streite, 153° 13'
40" äCft Päitge Bon ©vccntBitb.
Torres Strait.
291. Ptittilion of (’ampin'll roof.
Also, that from observations made by IT.
M. S. Blanche, the position of Campbell
reef in Torres Strait is about 2V* miles to
the north-eastward of that in which it is
placed on the Chart, or in lat. 10° 20' S.,
long. 142° 30' E.
The reef, awash at low water springs, is
about 7 cables long East and West and 3
cables wide.
Not. to Mar. No. 8*1.
Shrrcs Strafe.
Sage bes GTtnipbrU Jtiffo.
9!ad; bett Born britifdjert KriegSfcbiff ©landje
angcftellten Untcrfudjimgeit liegt bas Campbell Siiff
itt ber Xovrcä Strafe ungefähr 2*/» geeilt. norb=
öftlid) Bon ber in ber Starte angegebenen «teile,
nämlid) in 10° 20' «üb Streite unb 142° 30'
CftA'änge Bon ©reemoid).
Taci Sltiff, fclhft hei Sprittgebbe unter SBaffer,
ift in öftlither unb meftlichcr SKiditung ungefähr
7 Kabellängen lang unb 3 Kabellängen breit.
>«'» Zealand Hiihllr island — • Cook strait.
292. Hovtilvint; litflit on
Farewell «pit.
The Colonial Government of New Zealand
has given Notice, that from the 17th June
1870 a light will be exhibited from a light
house recently erected on Bush - End point,
Farewill spit, Western entrance of Cook
tint Sedan!). — Jtlittlcrc 3nfrl. — (Tank Strafe.
S'rebfeucr auf ¡varewcll Spit.
33om 17. fsuni tv. ah ¡ft auf beat auf SBufh
Gnb Thant, fyaretncll fplt, am »ceftltcfjcn Cingang
bev Coot Strafe ttett erbauten 9eitd)ttfurm eitt
geuer angejiinbet.
Gd ift ein Tvehfettev mit fstiterBalleti bou eittev
IDiinute tittb erfdjeint tncif mit Sltidnabme itt ber
fRitflung ttach bent «pit Gnb, ndmlttf gtBifcfen