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Full text: 1870 (1870)

— 41 
has been erected in close proximity to the 
lighthouse on Seal island, off the south-west 
coast of Nova Scotia, in iat. 43° 23'34" N., 
long. 66° 0' 52" West of Greenwich. 
During thick weather, fogs, and snow 
storms, the whistle will be sounded in each 
minute as follows: — First a blast of five 
seconds, then an interval of five seconds, 
followed by a second blast of five seconds, 
after which an intervat of forty-five se 
conds to complete the minute before the 
whistle is again sounded. 
The whistle may be expected to be heard 
from the following distances: — 
In calm or moderate weather 15 miles. 
In stormy weather . . . . 5 to 8 miles. 
Against the wind . . . . 5 to 8 miles. 
With the wind 20to25miles. 
Not. to Mar. No. 98. 
Scotland — West coast. 
2§7. Intermittent light on 
Ru Stoer. 
The Comissioners of Northern lighthouses 
have given notice, that on and after the 1st 
November 1870, a light will be established 
on the South Ear of Ru Stoer, the western 
extremity of Sutherlandshire, on the west 
coast of Scotland. 
From the white lighthouse, 47 feet high, 
will be exhibited an intermittent white 
light, which will be seen at its full power for 
one minute, and then suddenly eclipsed lor 
half a minute. The light, which will be 
shown from ah elevation of 195 feet above 
the level of high water, should be seen in 
clear weather from a distance of 19 1 /» miles, 
and be visible to the westward until cut oft’ 
by the land. 
The illuminating apparatus is catadiop- 
Not. to Mar. No. 100. 
Sdjottlanb, in 43° 23' 34" 9?orb Streite unb 66° 
0' 52" äBeft ßange Bon Wreenwid) ift eine Eampf= 
Dtebelpfeife errichtet worben. 
©et Scfjneefturm unb bei nebeligem ober biefem 
SSetter wirb bie pfeife währenb jeber Slinute fob 
genbermafjen ertönen: $uerft ein TfifT Bon 5 <Se» 
tunben Eener, bann eine Taufe Bon 5 Secunben, 
Welcher wieber eitt Tfiff Bon 5 Secunben Eauer 
folgt, barauf eine Taufe non 45 Secunben jur 
SerBoflftänbigung ber Schutte, ehe bie Tfeife wie= 
ber ertönt. 
91!an nimmt an, bafj bie Tfeife auf folgenbe 
Gntfernungen ju büren fein toirb: 
Sei Sßinbftille ober ruhigem SBetter 
15 Seemeilen. 
Sei pnnifdjem SBetter 5 biä 8 Seemeilen. 
©egen ben SBinb . . 5 bie 8 Seemeilen. 
ÜJlit bem SBJiitbe . . 20 bis 25 Seemeilen. 
Sdjotllnnb. — löf(lhiifle. 
Unterbrochene* J?«*ucr auf 9tu 2toer. 
31m 1. Dtooember e. foll auf bem Soutb Gar 
be« fRu Stoer, ber »veftiidjen SpiCe Bon Satber-- 
lanbfbire, an ber SBeftfiifte Bon Sdjottlanb, ein 
geuer angejiinbet werben. 
Eer Veud)ttburm ift weiß, 47 guf) fjoef) unb 
wirb ein unterbrochene« weife« geuer ¿eigen, beffen 
hellfter ©lang eine ÜRinute lang anljält, bann Blötj- 
lid) oerfdiwinbet unb wafrenb einer halben SRiitute 
nieft fidjtbar ift. G« befinbet fid) 195 guf über 
ijjodjwaffer, ift bei flarer Öuft 19 */a Seem. weit 
fid)tbar unb leuchtet über beit weltlichen .ßorijont 
bis e§ burch baä i'anb nerbeeft Wirb. 
Gatabrioptifdjer Slpparat.

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