— 40 —
The attention of the Canadian Govern- Tie Gattabifche Sfegieritng ift hierauf aufnterf-
ment has been called to the above fact, and
it is therefore probable that the beacon will
be replaced.
Not. to Mar. No. 87.
lulled Slates — Maine.
284. Foff signal at ITIati-
iricus rock.
The United States Government has given
Notice, that a steam fog whistle has been
etablished at Matinicus lighthouse, Penobscot
In thick or foggy weather the whistle will
sound for five seconds, at intervals of
twenty-five seconds.
In case of accident to the steam whistle
the bell will be souuded as heretofore.
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation
23° Westerly in 1870.)
Not. to Mar. No. 87.
fam grmacfit unb rcahrfcheintich loivb bie 23afe mie»
ber errichtet merben.
Utrrtttigle Staaten. — ¿Staine.
?ici>elft<pnal ciuf beni 3Ärttiiucuö=J?clftfn.
Stuf bem ÜWatinicu« Beitchtthurm, <Pcnobbcot ;
2?ai, ift eine Tampf>9iebeipfeife errichtet.
2?ei nebeligem ober bidelli Smetter ertönt bie
^Pfeife in Qmifctienräumcn »on 25 Secunben 5 Se»
cunbett lang.
Siknn bie Tampfpfeife ben Tienft berfagen
feilte, rcirb mie früher bie Wlode geläutet.
(fSeil. mijjm. üDüfsm. 23° SfiJeft 1870.)
>orth atlantie oreau — Madeira.
285. Light on 8t. I.onrenzo
The Portuguese Government has given
Notice, that at the end of the current month,
September, a light will be exhibited from a
lighthouse on St. Lourenzo point, the eastern
extremity of the island of Madeira, in lat.
32° 43' 14" N., long. 1G° 39' 30" West of
Further information respecting the nature
and exhibition of the light will be given.
Not. to Mar. No. 97.
J?oucr »uif her 2ptfec 2t. Souren^o.
3« ffinbe beS SDionatS September er. foll auf
auf ber Spi£e St. i'ourenjo, bem öftlichen SUorge*
birge oon SDfabeira in 32" 43' 14" Diorb Breite
unb 16® 39' 30" SPeft Bange Bon Wreetircich eilt I
Jener angejünbet merben.
Tie nähere 3?efd)reibung unb bie 3 e *t h« 21 n
günbung biefeö JenerS tnirb erfolgen.
Sura Srolia — Seal island. H(ll £lf|Ottlnni>. — $tal.
286. 8tcam Fog-whistle. J'nmpf ifchflpfeife.
The Government of the Dominion of Ca- Jn unmittelbarer Dlahe bed Beudjtthnrnifl auf
nada has given Notice that a steam fog-whistle ber .jnfel Seal, an ber Submeftfiiftc Bon 9ieu