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Full text: 1870 (1870)

Mediterranean — Egypt. 
2HO. Uglit* at Port Maid. 
The French Government has given No 
tice, that the Suez Canal Company have 
placed 4 floating lights to mark the narrow 
channel within the breakwaters, leading to 
the Basins, at Port Said. After passing the 
red light on the extreme of the western break 
water, two red lights are to be kept on the 
starboard hand and two white ones on the 
port hand. 
Not. to Mar. No. 90. 
Jititiclmefr. — ffigpltit. 
¡yeuer )u ^>ort 5aib. 
"Tie Siie,vßanab@eiell)(f)aft f)et 4 febmunmenbe 
?eud)tba!en auSgelegt, jur Leitung burd) ben engen 
Ganal innerhalb ber äBellenbrecber, nad) ben SBa- 
finS ju ^Jort ©aib. 31ad)bem ba3 votbe ?id)t 
auf ber ©pipe bc§ rceftücfjen 2Bellenbred)er3 paffirt 
ifi, finb bie beiben rctpen geuer an ©teuerborb 
unb bie beiben reeipen an tüadbcrb ä» b a l tcn - 
281. Buoy on the Past bank. 
Port 8aid. 
Also, that a red buoy has been placed 
on the East bank of the Admiralty Chart 
(Banc des Porteurs), Port Said entrance. 
Note. — Vessels are recommended, not to 
pass at a less distance than half a mile to 
the northward of the buoy. 
Not. to Mar. No. 90. 
Tonne auf ber öftlidyen Sauf, ^ort 
Gire rot^e Tonne ifi auf ber Gaft il ani (ber 
Grigi. Slbmiralitäte Sarte) (Siane beS florteurS) Gin- 
gang nad) 3?prt ©aib aufgelegt. 
Semerfung. Ten @d)iffen roirb empfohlen 
in nicht geringerer Gntfemung até ‘/a Seemeile 
nörblidj ton ber Tonne ju paffiren. 
>ew Kninswirk — tiulf of St. Lawrence. 
283. Ksriiincnnc point. 
Information lias been received that the 
shoal water around Escumenac point, south 
point of Miramichi hay, has extended to the 
northward, a depth of 2‘/a fathoms having 
been found N. E. 2 l /s miles from the light 
Not. to Mar. No. 87. 
ileu-Brntmfdjroctg. — ffiolf Don St. for fin. 
Orocunienac 5ptfec. 
Tic fladie ©telle bet ber Gäcumenac ©pipe, 
bent fitblichen SSorfprung ber SOitramicfji aliai, hat fid) 
nach Jiorben ju auSgebebnt. GS ift hier eine ©telle 
mit 2 '/г gaben SBaffer ЗЮ in 2‘/s Seemeilen Gnt= 
fermmg pom Beucbttburm gefuttben morben. 
Rat of Kundy. 
283. Bonron on \. W. nhonl, 
Port St. Anilreu. 
Also, that the N. W. beacon, Port St. An 
drew, Passamaquoddy bay, is not in its place. 
JFtmbtj ISotj. 
Safe auf ber ЭТ38 Untiefe, ,$afen 
5t. Siibrea*. 
Tic 3120 = Safe, $afen St SlubreaS, f3offama= 
quobbp 23ai, ift nid)t an ihrer ©teile.

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