West coast.
878. Alteration in position
of Cardigan bay lightvcssel.
Also, with reference to Notice to Mari
ners No. 78, dated 4th August 1870, respec
ting and intended alteration in position of
Cardigan bay lightvessel: —
The lightvessel has, in accordance with
that notice, been moved 4 miles N. W., and
now lies in 35 fathoms at low water springs,
in lat. 52° 24' N., long. o c 0' W.
From the lightvessel the South Bishop
lighthouse bears S. W. */* W. 36 miles, and
Bardsey lighthouse N. E. westerly 22‘/4
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 23"
Westerly in 1870.)
Not. to Mar. No. 85.
Cuglnnii. — U1c|lltii|lc.
33cr(ci)uitti bco 3youcrfd)iffv* in bev
Ciirbigrtn ¿Bui.
9Jiit ©ejug aitf bit i'efaniitmadnmg 91r. 261
toirb nngejeigt, bag bǤ fjcuevfd)iff iit bev Gnvbigan
Sci 4 ©eemciiett imcl) 91© in 35 guben ©offer
bi'i (£priiigjcit-9iiebrigreaffer oeriegt trorben ift.
Page: 52° 24' 91orb 2,'reite, 5° 0' ©eft {'angc
con Oireenm. 95om geuerfdjiffe peilt:
•South 2?ifftop Cciid)tt()urm S© 1 /*©, 36 Scent.
23arbfct) t'eud)lti)unu . . . 910, 22'/< Seem.
( < Peii. tnig., 9Jiifno. 23° -©eft 1870.)
Weiiitrrranean — Balearic isles — Iviza.
279. Intermittent light on
Point («I'OMit.
The Spanish Government has given No
tice, that from the 15th day of September 1H70,
a light will be exhibited from a lighthouse
recently erected on Point Grosa, North-east
point of Iviza.
The light is an intermittent light, with
and eclipse every four minutes, elevated
180 feet above the sea, and in clear weather
should be seen from a distance of 15 miles.
The illuminating apparatus is dioptric or
by lenses, of the third order.
The tower, 50 feet high, is octagonal in
form, slightly conical, greyish colour, and
attached to the keeper's dwelling: Position,
lat. 39° 5' N., long. 1° 36' 54" East from
Not. to Mar. No. 8«.
JUittclmcrr. — JhilctuiCtlif ¿Infflit. ¿luijn.
Hiitcrbi oebetteo ¡yeiter nuf '%'oint
2*om 15. September cr. ab ift auf belli auf
¿Point Wrofa, 9iorboftfpipe oon Joija, crbaiiten
VeucEjttfjuviii tin fyeuev aiigejunbet.
¿4 ift tin unterbvodjeiieS geuer mit eiiicv in'r-
bimtelung aUe 4 2Iliiuiteti, 180 fynf; iiber bev
'Diecvebflatpe unb bei Hater Vuft 15 geemeilen
roeit fidjtbar.
Pinjenapparat 3. Orbnuiig.
Ter Tburin ift 50 gup b°i), adjtcdig, leidjt
conifcl;, oon grancr garbe unb ftojjt an bte ©artcr=
Page: 39° 5' 91orb 23reitc, 1" 36' 54“ tCft
Vcingc oon Wrccmo.