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Full text: 1870 (1870)

porary light will be shewn from the Light 
house constructed on the North point of Iwo- 
sima at the entrance to Nagasaki harbour. 
The light will lie white, fixed, and will be 
elevated 205 feet above the sea, being visible 
at a distance of 15 miles. 
The North point of iwosima lies in 32 
degrees 43 minutes North latitude, and is 
12'.! degrees 4li minutes East of Greenwich. 
The light will be eclipsed on one side, 
outside the Mitzuse Rocks, on a bearing of 
S. 3<! degrees W., and on the other to the 
Northwards of Kageno Point, on a bearing 
of S. 85 degrees E , bearings true, and will 
shew an illuminated arc to seaward of 24.) 
Yokohama, 5th May 1870. 
•.'¡prbipiee eon gt?editila itti Gingang tum .'pafcit 
pen Magatali erbauten Vcutbttlnmn citi propiforifebe* 
fette* tpcipee À-eucr, ba* 205' über ber Ptaffcr 
flache berti unb 15 2ccincilcn tpeit fichtbar ift. 
tic iVorbipiec een (ttpofima liegt tit 32" 43' 
•.'¡evi 'Prcite mit 120" -HP Cft Vango pen ('ire incidi. 
Tac- Setter ift rerbuttfelt in ben Peilungen 
pen 3 3( !" is! bi* 2 85" C auperbalb ber 1)1 it 
tuie iHwf* ti* nerbliilt Pen Hagelte point nub 
geigt nach 2ce gu einen «leuchteten Pogen nett 245". 
(peil, rechne. 'PliBtoeif. 2" 5t r shleft.) 
Notice is hereby given that on and after 
the 8th day of July next, a Light will lie- 
exhibited, from Sunset to Sunrise, on the 
East Point of Oositna (Kashino Saki ), in the 
Province of Kii. 
The Light will be second order, white, 
and revolving, with half-minute dark and 
bright intervals. 
The East point of Oosima lies in 33 de 
grees 28 minutes North Latitude, and is 13.) 
degrees 52 minutes East of Greenwich. 
The Light will be elevated 130 feet above 
the sea, and will be visible at a distance of 
18 miles. 
It will be obscured on a bearing of N. 71 
degrees YV\ on one side, and S. 33 degrees 
W. on the other, bearings true, and will shew 
an illuminated arc to seaward of 234 degrees. 
Yokohama, 5th May 1870. 
Notice is hereby given that, on and after 
the 8th day of July next, and until the illu- 
Jycitcr ittif ber INöfyihr »ott Cofimn. 
Petti 8. (tuli c. ab brennt ani ber Cftipiee ben 
Cefima (Maibitto 2afit pretini Hii, ein rotine* 
Trcbieucr 2. Crbnung, ba* belle Pltnfe mit Per» 
bunfelungen rett 1 - Pliiiute geigt. 
Tie Cftfpibe ben Cclima liegt in 33" 2 S ‘ Oìerb 
preite iiub 135 "52' Cft '.'àuge rcn l'irecmrid). 
Ta« Treuer ift I.Hi' über ber ivafierfladie lioih 
titib 18 2eeineilen rceit ¡iditbar. li'« wirb t-erb.-dt 
in ben Peilungen ben 01 71" iti bi« 2 33" iti unto 
geigt ttacli 2ee gii einen erleuchteten Pogen ben 
(peil, redolir. — Pìipro. 2" 50' SS e fi) 
Petit 8. (tuli er. ab brennt auf bent auf 2ileo 
inifati in ber prooinj Hii erbauten V'eudjtthurm bi* 
(yettcr auf '¿ituotitifrtfi.

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