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Full text: 1870 (1870)

16 — 
inent of two beacon lights on Morris island, 
to lead over the bar of C harleston harbour 
into the Main Ship channel: 
Information has been received that the 
outer, or eastern, lighthouse is placed 1 
cables from the point of Lighthouse inlet, 
and near high-water mark; the inner light 
house is placed 3ii0 yards W. by N. */.' N. 
from the outer lighthouse. 
(Ail Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 2' 
Easterly in 1870.) 
Not. to Mar. No. 70. 
Worrit! JStanb tt’irb mitgetbcilt, baft bie iinftere 
ober rftlidtr Vcuditbafc 1 1 2 Sìabellàngen ton ber 
2pipc bee vifltbeufc .Inlet tube bov .Ned!trailer- 
tn.trfe imb bie tnncrc 3t>o 3|arbs 11044' ritriti.) 
•ìèy.'ì 1 j'.'i roil ber aiiperen entierm ftebt. 
f'llril. tnigrr. — Dfijro. 2" Cft in 1870.) 
Japan — kin-in islaml. 
243. Temporary on 
ialauo-Ilitinki (Cape ( hirhalioir. 
The Japanese Government has given No 
tice, that a light is now exhibited from the 
temporary lighthouse recently erected on Sa- 
tano-Misaki ( Cape Ghichakoff). South point 
ol Kiusiu island, entrance to Kagosima gulf. 
The light is a fixed white light, elevated 
200 feet above the sea, and in clear weather 
should be seen from a distance of 18 miles. 
It is obscured landward from S. by E., 
Easterly, to W. by S. ‘/a N. 
Position, as given, hit. 30" 59' N.. long. 
130“ 45' East from Greenwich. 
( All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 3" 
W esterly in 1870.) 
Not. to Mar. No. i>7. 
Un feu a été allumé le 5 Avril sur le 4"-" 
fort de la rade d’Yédo à l'entrée Est du che 
nal tjui conduit à la douane tle Tsikidji. 
Le feu est rouge, placé sur une tour en 
briques à Iti mètres au dessus des liantes mers. 
Sa portée lumineuse est de neuf miles marins. 
L'appareil est de 4e ordre, fixe et dioptrique. 
Il éclairé trois quarts de l'horizon du N. 
20 Est. au Sud 70 Est. 
Jokoska le 11 Avril 1870. 
3npnn. — Jiifrl piufut. 
bjcttuirifoc' f.qìos Setter mtf infinto: 
DUÌifafi (iinp C'è India loft). 
Sluf betti atti galano Wifafi 'iar (Sbitfiafcff ) 
2iibipifce ber ònici Siufiu, tiiinqan^ .pini .'ìagc'tma 
('-rii, pm'iieriid) cniditeten Veudjttburm brnint citi 
fefteé trciùcj Jyencr, bai- 200' nber ber Pèaficr* 
flèidie berti nnb bri flarev t'nft 18 Scemeilen treit 
firfitb.iv ift. 21 a di vanb pt iit ce priiebon ben Tei 
lungen 2’,C bie Tèj2'4 2 rerbcdt unb tei-qt ba 
ber nad) 2ce bin einen erteuditeten 'Pegni ren 
Page: 30 0 50* 'Jlorb Prette, 13n"35' CflViinge 
ben ("reemridt. 
ipcil. mitro. 3Dit§rp. 3“ lOeft in 1870.) 
ÎÇritrr ituf ter ?îhrbc oon ?|cbo. 
31m 5. 2lpril ift anf bem rierten ¡yert ber .Kbebc 
ren f.’lebo im ëftlicbcn Sittgang bcé RanalS, ber 
nadi bem ijcubau® ren Tfitibfi fiibrt, in einem ftei 
nernen Tburm fin rethes ,ynter angeptnbet, bai- lti 
'Dicter (5o,s- rbein.i iiber ,'j’ierfnraitrr betb nnb 0 
2ecm. ireit ficbtbar ift: e? erlenditet . tes .Ne 
ri’,enté ren 3i 20° C bis 3 70“ C rn '¡cn’par . 
ter Veudgapparat ift 4. Crbnn; b'cptnfib.

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