230. Alteration in ( ape
Nable lictlit.
Also, that from the 1st day of September
1870, the following alteration will he made in
Cape Sable light, viz., —
The fixed red light will be changed to a
revolving white light, showing bright for
fifte e n seconds and eclipsed fo r twenty-
five seconds.
Not. to Mar. No. GO.
SScranbcruufl fc»eo ¡ycucro auf
ftap 3ablc.
51m 1. September c. teirb ba£ fefte rothe Tveiter
auf Hop -Sable in ein tpeipeS Trcbfeuer peränbert,
ba3 lf> 2efuubeu lang fcljeiut itnb 25 Sefunben
lancj perbuufelt ift.
240. Alferntion in Raecnro
point«* light.
Also, that from the 1st day of September
187»», tlie following alteration will be made
in the light on Baccaro point, west side of
entrance of Latour port, viz , —
The revolving white light will be changed
to a fixed red light, which in clair weather
should he seen from a distance of 12 miles.
Not. to Mur. No. GG.
2$<*rän&« , runfl Jyrufrö auf
baecaro ^>oitit.
‘¡Km 1. September c. tvirb ba3 meine Trefp
feuer auf 3?acearo ^oint an ber rocftlidjen -Seite
be* (ringang« 311111 Vatcur £)afen in ein fefleS vo*
the* ^-euer peronbert, ba* bei flavor Vuft 12 See
meilen toeit ¿a feben tit.
I nitre! States - Lake Superior.
241. l'i\e«l light on .TIeinlota pi«»r.
Also, that from the 1st day of June 1S7<>,
a fixed white light will he exhibited from
the end of the South harbour pier at Men-
dota (Lac la Belle}, Lake Superior.
The light is elevated 42 feet above the
level of tin* lake, and in clair weather should
be seen from a distance of 12 miles.
Not. to Mur. No. 7".
South Carolina.
242. ll« k o<‘on light* for
C'liarl<‘«(on Imr.
With reference to Notice to Mariners No. 55,
dated 10th May 1870, respecting the establish-
bereinigte Staaten. — (Oberer See.
iyeftcö Jvcuer auf fc*cr 3Rcnbota OTolc.
5>om 1. 'viini c. ab brennt auf bem (Snbe ber
fiibltdjen .ftafenmole 31t Ih’enbcta (Lac la Bella),
Cberer See, ein fefte* meipe* <yeuer, 42'
über bem i^afferfpiegcl be* See* both unb bet
flarer Vuft 12 Seemeilen weit 31t feben ift.
^afeufeuer für fc*ic O*barlcflon 2*arrc.
mt '^epig auf bie in ben Nachrichten für Se
fabrer Nr. 2») suh 182 enthaltene 35efanntnuicfyung
betreffenb bie Crrvic^tung jtreier Veuihtbafen auf