— 14 —
Scefeidtett in bet- fiarfinitoF’fdifit 34udit.
?(tt 2tel(e bc-r- friibcren 1. ritbarikvtti-rfcl'cn 2cr,eid)cng in tor Sarfinitsf'itben ®ud)t ijl cin
anbereS bem friibcren atynltdjcs unb eott cjlndu’r .yche erridjtrt wovbctt. 30. i'iai 1870.
235. Secfeidictt bet iiitibimt.
£ie bciben Sinbumbfifdjcn Seejeidfen tint in bcv friiberen gorrn reit'ber beroiefidit teorben.
27. fiat 1870.
finspirdlfs JHrrr.
23«. ilnterbrccbiutfl bcr ¡yettcr »on Siupsfiarcigttnbfi.
I'ic beiben Vcncbtfeucr ,^n 2iuf-ttaratjanSti trcrben tie jur foUertbung ber 'Separatin' an ben
Jbiivmcn nitbi brennett. 12. 'JJiai 1870.
'Jir. '¿'So - *J3*j Dfitttycilungcn Dei bn&rogr. bureau* 311 ‘¡petereburg.
>«»ji sfolia — Jliiliom* bay.
23?. Tciiiponry discontinuance
of Ironhoimd light.
Information has been received, that the
lighthouse on Fast Ironhound island, entrance
to M ihone hay, has been destroyed by tire,
and that no will be exhibited until the
completion of a new lighthouse.
Not to Mar. No. *>4.
llfu-Srfj0tthutii. Ittuijotte .iSni.
Seittoeiic $lu*l6fdmn{| fc»c*
(*aft ^roiiboitnb ivcitero.
Ter Vcuchttburnt auf bcv ©aft \ronbounb ^nfei,
(iittA«ing ,^nr Duibenc '4*ai, ift abgebrannt unb n?irb
ba« Aeuer bi* ,;ur $$oUenbung cine« neuen Veucbt
tburnre niefyt brcimen.
23H, Alteration in Uvcrpool
luiy light.
The Canadian Government has given No
tice, that from the lf)th day of* July 1H70 ?
the following alteration will he made in Fort
point light, entrance of Liverpool hay, viz.,
The white light will he changed to a fixed
red light, which in clear weather should be
seen from a distance of 5 miles.
N<»t. to Mar No. 66.
SScranberunft bes ¡inters in ber
Vioerpool :Sni.
9Iitt 15 Juli c. roirb bas* recipe ¡setter auf ¡vert
■feint, (iittgattg tur Vieerpcct 2*ai, in ei;t fcfieiS
rotbes rerdnbftt, bao bet Ilarcr Vuft 5 Seemrilen
well ju feben ift.