The light is elevated 156 feet above the ficbtbar. Die iBfaterme&nung ift ein jmeiftacfige? \
mean level of the sea, illuminating an arc of ©fbdube лив ^icgelfteincn, mctft gcftricben unb
240 of the horizon, and should be seen, in (iegt (in' Winter bent 2burnt. Die ft'uppel ber $?a*
ordinary state« of the atmosphere, from the term, ifl rctb, bie anberrn ibeilc berfelben finb
deck of a vessel 15 feet above the water, at iveift.
the distance of 21 nautical miles. Die geegropbifcbe Sage be? Seiubttburm? ift
The keepers dwelling is a two-story brick 38 3 57 'Jicrbbreitc unb 128 45 iBeftlange Den
building, painted white, and placed 60 feet Otfreemeicb.
to the rear of the tower. The dome of the 9Jlt§tueifung 18 c 23' Cft.
lantern is painted red, and the other parts 'item Seucbttburm ou? petit man bic 'Jiorb--
of it white. fpifcc Den Игепа eoDe SOzS, ungefabr 3 в ее*
The geographical position of the light- meilen entfemt unb bilbet biefe 8pifcc bie 0id)t*
house, as shown by the U. S. Coast Survey barfeitsgrenje ttacb Stibetl ju. Die nachfte Dor*
Chart, is lat. 38° 57' north: long. 123 45' fprtngenbe 0piRe ber >iufte nacb iVerben pi, irelibe
west from Greenwich. 5 8eemetlen ndrblicb Den 3Renbocino (£itp (iegt,
The magnetic variation is 16 23 east. trirb gepeilt NN W^ W 25 8?emeilen entfemt.
From the light-house the north point of ¿roifcben biefer 8ptfte unb bem Seucbttburm bilbet
Arena cove bears SE. by S., distant about 3 bie Siufle cine $$ucbt unb ift ba? леиег ficbtbar
miles, and this point limits tlie visibility to in alien .pafen unb 5infevp(anen $trifcben biefer
the southward. 8pitte unb Лгепа $oim, bie nicbt mebv ale
The nearest prominent point of coast to 2n Seemeilen Den letftcrer entfemt ift.
the northward is one lying 5 miles north of gap 'JJlenbeettw Деиег petit man Den ^Joint
Mendocino City, and bears KW. by N. \ N.. Лгепа деиег N W \ N 94 ©eetneilen.
distant 25 miles.
Between that point and the light-house
there is a bend in the sea coast, and the light
will be visible off all the harbors and an
chorages in that bight, between that point
and Point Arena, thai are not more than 20
miles from the latter.
Cape Mendocino light bears from Point
Arena light NW. \ N.. distant 94 miles.
(Not. to mar. No. 40. Washington, D. C., April 22.)
SJfrlin, gebrudt unb ju baber in bn ftbnigliAm 9tbemrn еЬп"£оС’пФЬтиЛтл
(Я. в- Crfn).