* I
the "-amis in Yarmouth and Lowestoft roads
the following alterations have been made in
the position of the buoys, viz:
In llemesh} .Hit alili«aj.
S. E. Cockle buoy — has been moved
S. by W. | W. 3 cables, and now lies in f>',
fathoms at low water springs, with the fol
lowing marks anu bearings:
Ilemesbv and Markham churches in line
N. W. $ W.
St. Nicholas Church spire. Yarmouth, its
length west of the mill on the North
Denes S. W. by S.
Cockle light vessel E. N. E. \ of a mile.
West Cockle Spit Buoy — has been
moved N. E. by N. of a mile, and now
lies in 4 fathoms at low water springs, with
the following marks and bearings:
Hemesby and Markham churches in line
N. i W.
The southernmost chimney at California
village touching the west side of the
Look-out S. W. J W.
North Cockle buoy N. N. E. { E. T , miles.
South Cockle buoy —is discontinued.
Note. — Winterton mill, in line with the
centre of the Farm buildings N. N W. J W..
leads through Hemesby Swatchway in 16 feet
at low water springs.
Corton <»at\i aj.
The Corton Sand — having extended
a little to the southward, the buoys and lead
ing lights liave been made to correspond.
The lights in line bearing N. N. W. £ W.
now lead through the Oatway in 17 feet at
low water springs.
genbe Berembcrungen in ben t'agen bit Bojen
5««« ЗичнсЬнчт.
S E (iocfle Boje ift 3 jtabcllg. nach S /. W J
W wiegt in 54 gaben bei 'JiiebrigirafTer Spring
jeit, unter folgenben Bedungen
JpemeebD- unb fDtarfbam Kirchen in tiiite N W
4 W.
2t. 'liid'ola? < Hivdenfpifee ju jfiarmoutb um
beten Cänge n-cftlicb bon ber SBhiMe auf ben
ülorth Tenes S W z S.
(iocfle Aeuerfebiff О N О, .J Seem. entfernt.
SBefl fiocfle Spit Boje ift 0,: Seein nacb
N 0 z. N perlegt in 4 gaben 'Kaffer bei 5iiebrtg
rraffer Springjeit, unter folgenben Teilungen:
Öemesbn- unb SDlarfbatn-Rircben in ©ne N W
i W.
Ter füblidde Sefcornftein bee lialtfornia-Torfe,
bie Ü-eftfeite bee ülucgud-.fraufee betübrenb
s w: w.
9tortb So die Boje N N 0 ■ 0, l.t Seem.
South iiorfle Boje ift aufgenommen.
Bemerfung. Kinterton<3)iiible, in (iine mit
ber Bütte ber Bauerbäufer N N W W,
fiibrt burd) iremeebp Swatcbirac mit Iti
bei Jliebrigtraffer Springjeit.
(Norton ©atroa».
iloti on Sanb bat ftcb ein irentg nach Sil
ben ju auegebebnt unb finb bie Bojen unb id'*
tungifeuer teinentfpredenb eingerichtet. Tie freuet
in Sine in ber 'Teilung N N W ’ W führt jeut
buri ben diatu'uo mit 17 bet 'Jüebrigtoaffer