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Full text: 1870 (1870)

Seilage jum 5рт*и^|*феп 
£anbel$'5lrcf>iB, Зф^апл 1870. 
ltad)rid)tcn fur Sccfaljrer. 
Jè 21. 
England — West toast — Bristol Channel. 
Alteration in ¡losiltion of (TtrdilT 
Grounds. Middle Ini«). 
The Trinity House, London, has given 
Notice, that in consequence of the Cardiff 
grounds having extended in a southerly di 
rection , and having washed away on the 
western side, the Middle Cardiff buoy has 
been moved one cable to the south-eastward, 
and now lies in 4 fathoms at low water 
springs, with the following marks and bea 
rings, viz.: 
West end of Flatholm island (at high water) 
in line with West end of Steepliolm is 
land S. by W. 
Cardiff Hook buoy N.E. \ E. 1*, 0 miles. 
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
22\° Westerly in 1870.) 
(Not. to шаг. No. 53. 7th May.) 
Ireland — South-Wrst Coast. 
Revolving light on Tearoiiht 
With reference to Notice to Mariners 
No. 5, dated 13th January 1870. respecting 
the establishment of a light on Tearaght is 
land, the westernmost of the Blasket islands: 
The Office of Irish lights, Dublin, has 
given Notice, that the light is now exhibited. 
«nolani». Ulffthiiflr — firtftol-fiottai. 
'Scróiibcruiifl ber (Vurturf OiriMitc 
uni 3$rr(cniiiifl ber 3RtbMe>f)o)r. 
Eie tiiirbtff. fiatai e babeti n* natb fùblitbet 
!Jii<btun ; i bin au?i)«bej»t, mi bei tt>eftii<ben ìeite 
jinb fie №ei|j|eiraf(ben; in (èslae beffen ift bie 
SDiibble Sarbiff.Si'je 1 .Uabetiinge ireiter natb 
S 0 in i ijaben bei 9iiebtij»afjer Sprinajeit 
uniti fcljjenben C )ìeilungcn auicjele>ìt: 
SBefienbe ber (bei .ftefirafrer) 
in liinie mit bem SBeftenbt ber 5teep6i.’Im. 
^nfel S z W. 
Èarbiit .'òoof'®oje N 0 £ 0, 1,2 ¿eeir ent* 
i'Beil. mièli) Slijir.: 22| West in 1870.) 
îtlanb. — eiiMsrlìhiìflr 
rrfbfin.r otti >pr 2>ardftbt’3tifrl. 
Eag Àeuer auf beni neucvbauten ieuibttburm 
auf ber ìeara^bt.Jlnlei, ber luefiliebilen ber 'Hae- 
fet.^nfeln brennt jeM. lie ifl em ireièee Ereb 
feuer, bab feinen qtcèirn OHanj alle 14 iDiinuten 
erreitbt, 27. r y ilber ber SBafferflde^e Ьоф unb bei 
flarer Üuft 22 Seemeilen meit fiibtbar. »Jìa* bem 

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