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Full text: 1870 (1870)

■South llaisborough (conical) black and white 
striped, with staff and cage. 
North Cross Sand (conical) black, with staff 
and globe. 
East Cross Sand (conical) black. 
Mid Cross Sand (conical) black. 
South Cross Sand (conical) black. 
Winterton Ridge (conical) red and white 
rings, with staff and St. Ceorge’s cross 
Yarmouth Roads. 
Winterton Ness (can) red. 
West Cockle Spit (can) red and white 
striped. • 
North Scroby (conical) black and white 
chequered, with staff and cage. 
N. W. Scroby (can) black and white 
Mid Scroby (can) black and white chequered. 
West Scroby (can) black and white cheque 
Scroby Elbow black and white chequered, 
bell, with staff and cage. 
S. W. Scroby (can) black and white 
Scroby Fork (can) black and white striped. 
South Scroby Spit (conical) black and 
whit* chequered. 
South Scroby (conical) black and white 
striped, with staff and cage. 
North Cockle (conical) black and white 
rings, with stall' and diamond. 
N. E. Cockle (can) black. 
S. E. Cockle (can) black. 
South Cockle (can) black. 
North Caistor (conical) black. 
Mid Caistor (can) block. 
Caistor Elbow (can) black. 
South Caistor (can) black. 
North Bank (can) black. 
North Corton (conical) black and white 
rings, with staff and diamond. 
N. E. Corton (can) black. 
©cut!) jyaiiborougf) (frit) fcbtcaq unb treifc 
gejfreift, ¡nit ©tange unb SBurftl. 
91cttb Erofj ©anb (frit) fcfruatj, mit ©tange 
unb jtugel. 
Eafl Etofj ©anb (frit) fcbtrarj. 
'Ylib Erofj ©anb (frit) fcbtrarj. 
Scutb Erof ©anb (frit) fcbtrarj. 
SBintcrton tHibgr (frit) rctbe unb treifjc iKingt, 
mit ©tange unb ©t. (Reorge'b ifreuj. 
'l)atinoutlj SRtebe. 
SBinterton 9lejj (flumpf) rotfr 
2Befi Eecflc ©pit (jlumpf) ictb unb tretfj ge- 
Ncrtl) ©crobp (frit) fcfjtrarj unb treifj gefdjacbt, 
mit ©tange unb ®urfel. 
91 SB ©crobp (flutnpf) fcbtrarj unb trctf ge. 
SSib ©crobp (flumpf) fcbtrarj unb treif; ge- 
ffiefl ©crobp (flumpf) fcbtrarj unb treif; ge- 
©crobp Elbotr fcbtrarj unb trei§ gefcbacbt, 
(blecfe, mit ©tange unb SiButfel. 
© 2B. ©crobp (flumpf) fcbtrarj unb treig ge- 
©crobn Prorf (flumpf) fcbtrarj unb trtift geflreift. 
©ciitb ©crobp ©pit (frit) fcbtrarj unb tretfj 
©cutb 2crotp (fpit) fcbtrarj unb treifj geflreift, 
mit ©tange unb SBurfel. 
9lorfr Eotfle (frit) fcbirarje unb trefrc SKinge 
mit ©tange unb SlbombuS. 
91 E. Eotfle (flumpf) fcbtrarj. 
© ®. Eotfle (flumpf) fdprarj. 
©cutb Eotfle (fluntpf fcbtrarj. 
91ortb Eaiflor (frit) fcbtrarj. 
'Ktb Eaiflor (flumpfj fcbtrarj. 
Eaifiot Elbotr (flumpf) fcbtrarj. 
©outb tfaiflcr (flumpf) fcbtrarj. 
91crib ©anf (flumpf) fcbtrarj. 
9!ortb Eorton (fpit) fcbtrarje unb tret fee iKinge, 
mit ©tange unb Wbombu«.

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