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Full text: 1870 (1870)

tndand- Bust Coast. 
Alteration of Buoya^‘-Bm«ick 
to OrfordiieMH. 
With reference to Notice to Mariners 
No. 93, dated 30th November 1869. respect 
ing the intended alteration in the Buoyage 
between Berwick and Orfordness: — 
The Trinity House. London, has given 
Notice, that those alterations are now being 
effected, and that the buoyage will hence 
forth be as follows: — 
Coquet Island. 
N. W. Coquet (can) red and white che 
S. W. Coquet (can) red and white striped. 
N. E. Coquet (conical) red and white rings, 
with staff and triangle. 
Pan Bush (can) red. 
Sand Spit (can) red. 
Ilauxley Point (conical) black, with staff 
and globe. 
Bondicar Bush (can) red. 
River Tees. 
South Care and all Port Hand Buoys (can) 
black and white chequered. 
Tees Fairway (conical) black and white 
rings, with staff and diamond. 
No. 1. And all the Star-Board Hand Buoys 
(can) black. 
East Coast. 
Long Scar black — bell, with staff and globe. 
Salt Scar (can) black. 
Whitby Rock (conical) black, with staff 
and globe. 
Filey Brig (can) black. 
North Smithie (conical) red and white rings. 
South Smithie (can) red. 
Rosse Spit (conical) black and white striped. 
Protector (conical) black. 
CnglanH Ofthiifu. 
$»rraiifornitfl ier ^rtonniuift bon 
2$erwitf bio Crfcrbiicft. 
SSiit Prjug auf tic Pefaitntmacbung in ben 
9iad)ri<bten fur Stefabtrr 'Sr. 27 sub 28fi rcttb 
mitgrtbrilt, bag bir Prtonnung tmifdirn iVnricf 
unb Otforbnrfi folgrnbfrmafifn flnttgefunben bat: 
Uoquet 3«tanb. 
?t SB. Coquet (fiunipf) rotb unb n?eijj qrfducbt 
S SB. Cioquft (ftumpf) rotb unb toeifi geihrift 
Si (S. (Soquet (fpi|) rotbr unb n)rifi< SRingr mit 
Stangr unb Erritif. 
'Jian Pufb (fhnnpf) rotb. 
Sanb Spit (fiunipf) totb 
jbaurlro Point (fpie) fibroaq ¡nit Slang, unb 
Sonbicat Pufb (fiumpf) rotb 
iHioer Serb. 
South (''are unb allc Pojtn auf Patfbotb febnoarg 
unb unit; gefchaci)!. 
Xtti gaitwati (fpig) ftbtnarje unb toeijir SRingr 
mit Stange unb SRbombuo. 
Sir. 1 unb all, Sojen auf Steuerborb (fiunipf) 
Safi tSoafi. 
Vfong Scat ftbtnarj, (§Io<fr mit Stange unb 
Salt Scat (fiunipf) febtrarf. 
SBbitbn SRoi (fpij) id)loan mit Stangr unb 
gilrp Prig (fiunipf) idnoaq. 
Siortb Smitbii (fpi?) rotbe unb rotijir ftiing- 
South Snuibir ;fiunipf) rotb. 
SRoffr Spit (fpib) icbwatf unb rorig grflreift

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