Beilage jum TreBfcfdjen
öantelS*SIrd)iD, jabTganfl 1870.
ttadjridRcn für $ccfal)rcr.
№ 11).
t-mrlaiid—Thames River. Entrance.
Alteration of Buoyage of \orth
With reference to Notice to Mariners
No. 92. dated 30th November 1869. respect
ing the intended alteration in the buoyage
of the North Channels of the Thames:—
The Trinity House has given Notice that
those alterations are now being effected, and
that the buoyage will henceforth be as fol
Approaches to Harwich.
N. E. Whiting (conical) red and white rings,
with staff' and diamond.
Hook Whiting (can) red and white striped.
S. W. Whiting (can) red and white che
Cork Sand (can) red and white striped.
Outer Ridge (can) red and white chequered.
Inner Ridge (can) red and white striped.
Cliff Foot (conical) red and white chequered,
with staff and cage.
North Cliff (can) red and white striped.
South Shelf (can) red and white chequered.
North Shelf (can) red and white striped.
Guard (conical) red and white chequered,
with staff and cage.
florbfec - (gnglanti — £i)tinfr - ittiinbung.
$>crct!ti>f riltlfl tit her &CtOttltllttß ber
ttcrMtcfcett ftditaic.
Üttit $3ejug auf bie Sefanntmad)ung in ben
9iad?rid)ten für Seefahrer '3tr. 27 sub 285 pro
1869 wirb jngejeigt, fcafj bie 33etcnnung bet norb*
lieben Kanäle bet SJjemfe• ÜXünbung folgenbe iff:
Zugänge nad) Jpatwieb.
'31 (£. SSbittng (iuifc) rotbe unb weifte ¿Ringe mit
Stange unb SKbombu*.
jnoef '5>biting (Rumpf) retb unb weift geflreift.
0 9S>. iC'biting (Rumpf) retb unb weift gefebaebf.
(£orf Sanb (Rumpf) rotb unb weift geflreift
Outet ¿Ribge (Rumpf) retb unb weift gefebaebt.
3nner ¿Ribge (Rumpf) retb unb weift geRreift.
CSliff tfoot (fpifc) retb unb weift gefebaebt mit
Stange unb SBürfel.
9lortb (Sliff (Rumpf) rotb unb weift geRreift.
Soutb 0belf (Rumpf) rotb unb weift gefebaebt.
s )iortb 0belf (Rumpf) rotb unb weift geRreift.
®uarb (fpifc) rotb unb weift gefebaebt mit 0tange
unb SBürfel.
0 bot len 0pit (Rumpf) rotbe unb weifte ¿Ringe.