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Full text: 1870 (1870)

similar light, has been moored by the har 
bour authorities in 4 fathoms at low water 
springs, a quarter of a mile N. W. by N. from 
the old pile lighthouse. 
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
22\ Westerly in 1870.) 
tl43. 144. Nut. to Mar. No. 34. 31st March 1870.) 
Ireland — West Coast. 
Alteration in colour of Inlsheer 
The Commissioners of Irish Lights have 
given Notice that, from the 1st day of dune 
1870, the following alteration will be made in 
the colour of Inisheer lighthouse. Arran is 
lands, entrance of Galway bay: 
The horizontal white belt will he painted 
(Not. to mar. No. 32. 31st March 1870.) 
Gulf iif SI. Laurence. 
Kicliilmrto river. 
With reference to Notice to Mariners, 
No. 8, dated the 24th January 1870, in which 
the depth of water on the bar of Richibucto 
river is stated to be 11 feet, the local pilo 
tage authorities have more recently made 
public the following, viz: that during the last 
season, vessels drawing from 14 to IS feet 
water, and in a few cases more, passed over 
the bar in safety at spring tides. 
Mariners are hereby informed that the in 
formation given in Notice, No. 8, was the 
depth at low water spring tides, to which 
level all soundings are reduced; and as the 
tidal range at springs is 4 feet, the depths 
on the bar at high water are thus confirmed. 
malt if}, \ «Seemeile N W z N »out früheren 
deudgihmm in 4 gaben bei Jiiebrigwaffer Spring- 
jeit aufgelegt worben. 
'•Peilungen mit;to. 'Wihweifung 22-J W in 1870. 
Srlattb. — Uieflhüflr 
33c?ättbcru!tft tut fUnffricb foö 
3««ifbcr Vciicbnbtirmo. 
©er weijje Würtel be« ^ntfher Üeucbttbiimi« 
auf bet 3 n f el Sltran an bet Smfabrt in bie Wal wart- 
Sucht wirb »ottt 1. 3im> e. an rotb gemalt fein. 
St. foretii -thiftit 
SttdrfbUCtO = 
Pepiglid) ber früher gebrachten ültqeige (rergl 
Siachrithien für Seefahrer 9Ir. 5 sttb 43 pro 1870), 
nad) welcher auf bet Patre beb iKichibucto-itluffes 
11 SBaffer fein feilte, haben bie P'cfalbobörbcn 
für;licb bie 'Pef.inntttiadning erlaffen, bah biete 
Slngabe ftd) auf ?iiebrigwaffer Springet beliebt, 
uttb bajj, ba bie tflutl'behe ;ur Springjeit 4 be 
trägt, wabrenb ber lebten Scbifffahrtsperiobe Sdtiffe 
mit 14 bis lb unb in einigen fällen fogar mit 
mehr Tiefgang ;ur Springet fidter über bie 'Parte 
gegangen finb 
©ie Pojen unb Vanbtnarfen werben jebebmal 
beim «d)luh ber Schifffahrt weggenommen, bannt 
fte nicht burdt tfi« befdtäbigt werben unb vor lir- 
Öffnung ber Schifffahrt wirber auf ihre Stationen

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