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Full text: 1870 (1870)

143. \orih Coast. 
Alteration In buoys off* Calais. 
The following alteration has been made 
in the buoys Nos. I and 6, of the Riden 
of Calais, in consequence of their position 
being nearly in the track of the mail steamers 
No. 1 buoy has been moved one mile west 
ward of its former position. 
No. 6 buoy has been moved 24 miles to 
the N. E. of its former position. 
(Not. to Mar. No. 32. 31st March.) 
CR0lifd)»r Canal. 
Verlegung tum Sojen bei (Malaie. 
bte Sojen SRr. 1 unb 6 bei SRiben of 
Calais bieder fafl in ber £ourfclinie bei 
bampfer lagen, fo fhtb fie oerlegt worben unb 
$war 9ir. 1 eine Seemeile »efhoarts unb s 3ir. 6 
24 Seemeilen N 0 von ber früheren ßage. 
144. England — West Coast — Bristol Channel. 
Alteration "In position of West 
Cardiff buoy. 
The Trinity House, London, has given 
Notice, that the Cardiff Grounds sand having 
extended to the southward, the West Cardiff 
buoy has been moved in that direction, and 
now lies in 34' fathoms at low water springs, 
with the following marks and bearings: 
The East side of Steepholm island just 
open of the West end of Flatholin half- 
tide mark. 
The Railway swing bridge over the Taff 
river in a line with Penarth head N. 4 E. 
Ranie Spit buoy W. 4 S. half a mile. 
Monkstone beacon E. by S. 1% miles. 
öriftol -Canal. 
'IVraiibcruitrt in ber Йоде ber iörjit 
Da bie Garbiffä ©totmbS Untiefe ficb me&c 
naef) güben ;u geworfen bat, fo ift bie JSeft 
Garbiff-Soje in berfelben SKiAtung auf gaben 
bei 'Jliebrigwaffer Springfeit unter foigenben SSar- 
fen unb fpeilungen aufgelegt worben: 
Dfifeite ber Steepbolm-3nfel gerabe frei oom 
Sßefienbe ber glatbclm balf.tibe SKarfe. 
Die ©fenbabnbrüete übet bem Jaff.gluf) in 
Önie mit ^Senartb fjeab N J O. 
tHanie ®rit-2?L'je W ^ S 5 geem. entfernt. 
5Ronfjlone.®aie OzS 1 r 9 geein entfernt. 
West Coast. 
Temporary lieht vessel at 
"Vrouifortfcheo ^eucrfdiiff }u 
Also, that in consequence of the Screw pile 
lighthouse at Fleetwood having been destroyed, 
and until another is ereetexi, a vessel with 
two masts, anil painted red, exhibiting a 
Da bet auf Sebraubenpfeilem flebtnbe fleußt- 
tburm fu gleetwoob ferfhkt worben, ifl ins ju 
feinet SBiebetbetfleUung ein geuerfebiff, weldieb ein 
ähnliche# ISebt $eigt, 2 SKaflen bid unb retb ge*

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