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Full text: 1870 (1870)

Quimisto, merely a bight in the coast 
with a sandy beach, lies 3J miles E. by N. 
\ N. from Y’alapa. There are a number of 
large houses or barracks at Quimisto. used 
by the men who are employed to load ships 
frequenting the coast for logwood; they were 
unoccupied at the time of the Saginaw's visit. 
Boca de Tomatlan, another break in 
the coast similar to Yalapa, and formed by 
the Rio Tomatlan, lies about 3 miies East 
from Quimisto; it is small, deep, and can 
only be used by coasters. There are a few 
inhabitants at this place. 
About 3 miles eastward of Tomatlan are 
two high rocks, between which and the coast 
is the anchorage of Las Peñas, where there 
is said to be a pearl fishery. 
Rio Banderas. The coast to the east 
ward of Las Peñas runs low, trending sharply 
to the northward towards the Rio Banderas, 
the Rio Piginto of the charts. This river is 
reported to be navigable for nearly 20 miles 
by vessels drawing about 10 feet; the green 
water from this river is met with at a distance 
of 10 miles from its mouth, and may be the 
cause of most of the discoloured water seen 
about Cape Corrientes. All the land in the 
neighbourhood of the Rio Banderas is flat, 
but the mountains rise in the distance. 
8eutm beteebnt ictrben, bie ¡»arbebeij auf bie bte 
Hüfte befucbenben ¿dufte cerlaben. 
Boca be iomatlan, eint anberc Unter 
brechung bcv grifenKfle, ber ren iialapa ähnlich, 
burdi btn Mio Jamatlan gcbilbct, Iteejt ungefähr 
3 Seemeilen öfHtcb con Outmiflo; biefe gluimün- 
bttng itl fcfmtal unb tief unb fann nur cctt 
Hüftenfabrtrn bennjjt tcerben. G« halten ficb hier 
einige Gimcebner auf. 
Ungefähr '1 Seemeilen i'ftlid' ccn iomatlan 
bctinbcn fttft imei bcl't (»elfen unb ttcifcben bieten 
unb ber Hüfte liegt ber ilnferptatj ccn Pa« Seitab, 
auf tceld’tm Bcrlenftfiberei betrieben irerben feit. 
Mio Banbcrae. Tie Hüfte efilid) cen Pa« 
'fieilae ift niebrig unb läuft in nörbUtfiet Mich- 
tung nacb bem 9lio Banberas, bem Mio Biginte 
ber Harten, gu. Tiefer ¡»Infi feil auf nabeju 
20 Seemeilen für gabrjeuge Den etwa 10 ¡»uf; 
Tiefgang febiffbar fein; bem grünen Blaffer beffei 
ben begegnet man (eben 10 Seemeilen cen ber 
ÜJtüubung unb baffelbe mag bie lltfacbe bet um 
Gap Gorriente« oft bemerften Serfdrbung be« 
SBaffer« fein. Tae gange pant in ber Matbbar- 
febaft be« Mio Banbcra« ift niebrig, in ber ¡lerne 
aber erbeben fiel' Wecirge. 
(Hydrographie Notice. No. 8. London. 28tli February 1870.) 
Vtriin, grtrutft nnb ju babrn in brr RSniglttíbnj Cbrr-iiDfbuiilbrurfrTn 
(St #. üftfre).

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