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Full text: 1870 (1870)

sera télégraphie par ces guetteurs, à des 
heures déterminées, aux commissaires, aux 
capitaines et maîtres de port, qui, dans l'un 
et l'autre cas. le feront signaler par le inAt 
de l'entrée du port et afficher au pied du 
même mât. 
(Annonce hydrographique No. 18. du 25 Mars.} 
13?. North Pacific Derail. Coast of Mexico. 
The following notice is derived from the 
remarks of Lieutenant Commander M. Sicard, 
commanding U. S. S. Saginaw, I860. 
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
8- 30' Easterly in 1870.) 
Richmond rock. The position of this 
rock, reported to lie about 15 miles W. by 
S. ’ S. from Cape Corrientes, was passed 
over by Captain G.F. Emmons, of the ILS.S. 
Ossipce, in April 1868: tlie weather being clear, 
sea smooth, with a westerly swell, and a good 
look-out kept, but no indications of shoal 
ground were observed. The rock was also 
carefully but unsuccessfully searched for by 
the Saginaw in August and September 1861). 
The pilots and coasters in the neighbourhood 
do not believe in its existence. 
Cucharitas reef, a dangerous ledge ex 
tending to the south-west nearly 2 miles from 
the coast, lies about 6 miles to the southward 
of Cape Corrientes. The part above water 
projects from the land south-west for about 
1| miles, and consists of 3 or 4 small rocks, 
against which the sea breaks heavily, and 
also for a considerable distance outside tltem. 
Two other sunken reefs are reported to lie 
half a mile to the south-west of the rocks 
above water. The land near this part of the 
coast is low. but rises again at a short distanco 
from the beach. 
HörMtd] Sttllcr Ocran. — lttrrihn. 
(Teilungen mifcrr.; ©ttfovetfung in 187() 
8 30' CfE) 
•Kicbmenb :Kccf. Das ©eretnigte* Staaten* 
Schiff „Cflipee“ ging im Ülpril 18(18 bei flarer 
¿uft ruhiger Sec unb ircftlictoer rünung über bie 
bem 9it*menb * Reifen tuaeirieiene Stelle, 1.5 See* 
meiien VV S W ’ W Don (¿ap (¿erriente?; un» 
geachtet guten 2lu?gucfe? irar aber fein 'Unlieben 
einer Untiefe ,qi bemerfen. s 2lticb ba? ©«reinigte 
Staaten*Schiff „Saginan?" fuebte im Wuguft unb 
September 1861) forgfältig aber Dergebli* na* 
biefer Untiefe. Ttc tloctfen unb Küflenfaprer ber 
fKa*barfcbafl glauben ni*t an ibr ©orbanbenfein. 
Gu*arita?»,'Kiff, eine gefäbrli*e Klippen 
reibe, melibe etwa 6 Seemeilen fübli* Den iSap 
Servieiitea liegt, erftreift fi* tu fübioefllüber .'Kid' 
tung bi? nahezu 2 Seemeilen Don ber Küftc; bei 
über ©taffer bennbliebc Lbcil liegt Dem tfanbe 
Sübiveft ungefähr [\ Seemeilen entfernt unb bc* 
ftebt au? 3 ober 4 Keinen Klippen, gegen irelcbe 
bie See pefrig bri*t, iric au* bereit? eine be* 
trä*tlid)c Streife Der benfelben. Cr? feiten näm 
lich 2 blinbe Klippen 4 Seemeile 8 \V Den ben 
jenigen über ©taffer fi* behüben. Ta? ^anb in 
ber Italic biefer Küftenftrecfe in mebtig, erhebt fi* 
aber in fur5er Sntferuung Dom Straube. 
©alle be ©anbera^ ift eine tiefe ©u*t 
nerbeftlkb Dein liap liorriente?, een biefem bi? 
aur $hmta ülhtn reiitenb, 22 Seemeilen treit unb 
‘2)» Seemeilen rief; fie fcU im '¿Hinter baung Don

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