139. China—Yansr-tse river.
Alteration of lihitoan lieaeon
Information has been received that the
following alteration has been made in the
Kiutoan beacon light, Yang-tse river.
The light is now a flashing light of the
fifth order.
Directions: Vessels standing in towards
the south shore will lose sight of the light
on a N W\ W bearing: this is a warning to
tack or keep more to the Northward.
China. — {long - ift - Stung
bco ¡ycucro auf ^cr
Minionii State.
Àcuer auf ber ftintcan SBafc im 'Pang*
Xfe»Stiang ift jeçt ein 3?licffeuer fünfter Orbnung.
deiner fung: Sdnffc, bie auf ba$ jüblicbe
Ufer ^ufieuern, verlieren ba8 3 euei ' n fcw Teilung
NW \ XV au? Sidu; bie$ ift bie ©arming, ju
tvenben ober nvrblicber ju halten.
140. Kcd and white of Hliitoan
small beacon.
Sîotbco itub weites JÇcucr auf î»cr
Heilten Min tenu State.
The harbour master at Shanghai has given
Notice, that a light has been established in
a small beacon tower on the south bank of
the Yang-tse, live miles to the N W of
Kintoan lighthouse.
The light is a lixed red and white light,
red between the bearings S by \Y W to W
b> N ^ N, and white between the latter bear
ing and the south bank of the river. The
red light should be seen in clear weather from
a distance of about 4 miles, and the white
light G miles.
The red light is seen towards the Block
House shoal.
Der £afenmeifler }u Sbaitgbai bat befatmt
gemacht, bafj ein tfeuer auf einer Reinen Xburm-
bafe auf betn füblicben Ufer be3 'l)ang*Xfe-A\iang,
5 Seemeilen N W vom ilintcan Veucbttburm
(Safe) eingerichtet ift.
1X3 ijt ein fefteS retbes unb tvei§e3 <leuer,
reit) ’,roifd)en ben ^Peilungen S Z W \ W bi3
W N W ’ W unb weif? jwifeben ber lefcteren
'Peilung unb bem füblicben Ufer be? Muffes. Da?
rotbe i?ict>t fann bei Rarer ^.'uft ungefähr l See
meilen, ba3 weifje «■ Seemeilen treit gefeiten werben
Da? Vidjt erfefoeint rotf) in ber ÜHidjtung nach
ber 93locf $oufe Untiefe.