little to the southward, and steering east
ward until the leading lights of St. George
and Sulzac are in one. which, as formerly»
are to be kept so until the lights of Tallais
and Richard are in one.
Also, that further notice will be given as
soon as the date can he ascertained on which
the above alterations will take place; but
mariners, who should not receive that notice
in time, will know if the arrangements have
taken place by seeing the two fixed lights
of the light-vessel and the alternating light
of Palmyre.
The light-vessel is shortly to be moored
in its position, but will only show the ordi
nary regulation ship lights, until the time
when the other lights are exhibited.
[All bearings are Magnetic. Variation
]i>? Westerly in 18G9.y
(Not. to -Mar. No. 31. May 27.)
ein wenig jublid) frei fommt, bis bie fteuer *on
0t. (George unb «Suljac in (Sin8 fommen, welche
iUiddung, wie bibber, beigubebalten ifl, bis bie
$euer ron $aüai8 unb iKicfaarb in Vinie fmb.
(Sine weitere s 23efaimtmad)ung wirb ben
punft bet (Einführung biefer 3lenberungen angeben;
füllten Seefahrer biefe jebodb nicht ди rechter ?eit
erhalten, fo werben fie bie üorgenommene Slenbe«
rung an ben beiben feften geuern auf bem Zeucht»
febiff unb bem SBechfelfeuer eon Valnwre erfennen.
<Da$ VeucbtfdMff wirb halb auf feine Station
gelegt, e$ wirb aber bi$ bahin, wo bie anberen
Деиег eingerichtet finb, nur gewöhnlich* Schiffo*
feuer (eigen.
^5eil. mifjw. s I$at. 19 ‘ SBejt in 1869.
UV2. South Imfrica llamiham Coast.
Ilr-estahlisliineiit of Itarolomi
Point light.
With reference to Notice to Mariners
No. 104, dated 9th November 1868. announc
ing the destruction of the lighthouse on lta-
eolomi point, entrance of river Marauliain.—
Information has been received that the
light has been re-exhibited since the 28th day
of November 1868.
(Not. to Mar. N... 33. May 31.)
SÜÖ - nmerihu. fiiiftc lftaranljam.
'leicbcrbcrfteUititft bte Jiciicro
auf ^titroioiiii 'V- 4 о 111 i.
SDlit Scjufl auf bie iBefanntmadumg Sit. 101
»cm 9. Siouember 1808, worin bit 3cr(l5rung beo
Veudittburmeb auf Jtacoiomi tpeint, S'iimbung beb
2Ratancn<g(uffe8, angqeigt reurbe, Wirb befannt
gemacht, bap berfelbe feit bem 28. 9tor>ember ISfiS
wither brrgeflellt ifl.
Utrlin, ptbrutfl uub ju babrn in Ьет H5tiiglub<n Wcbtmmi Cbfr-»jtejbud>bruiimi
:4. x>.