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Full text: 1869 (1869)

forth until further orders, exhibit a light at UBafjerfladie ein liidff jeiflt, bae bci flarcr Vfuft 
an elevation of 30 feet above sea level, end 10 0eemeilen weit ficbibar fcin №irb. 
should be visible in clear weather from a 
distance of 10 nautical miles. 
Not. to Mar. (issued by the Treasury-Department of 
the United States of North-America) No. 22. (May 4) 
|?5. ( Iark\ Point Uglil - house. 
Hinugr of position. 
Notice is hereby given that on and after 
15th day of June, 1869, the light on Clark's 
Point, at the entrance of the harbor of New 
Bedford, will be placed upon the northwes 
terly angle of the fort on that point. 
The light will be placed 248 feet north. 
48 e 5'west, (magnetic,) from its present po 
sition, and elevated 11 feet above the pre 
sent focal plane. * 
The sailing directions for the harbor of 
New Bedford for the Round Hill and Eastern 
channels will not be affected by this change. 
The sailing directions for the channel bet 
ween North and Great Ledges can no longer 
be observed, as Palmer's Island light will not 
be visible on the range directed. the view 
of it being obstructed by the fort 
Not. to Mar. (issued by the Treasury-Department of 
the United Stales of North-America No. 2d. (May 10.; 
'l»cruiit'crinic\ t>cr Viiflc ОЧигСо 
"Point iVcHtbtfciicre. 
фае Деи« auf Slarfb "Point, am yafenem 
gang een Siel» 3?ebforb, roirb am 1 ü. Диш 18<>9 
nadt bet norbwejilidjen tiefe bes ,\ott« auf biefet 
£|)i(je eerlegt, unb prat 248' N 48 5' \V (mit;uv) 
oon bet bisherigen Page; bet Ceudjtappatat ifl 
11 helfet alb bet frühere, ®ie Segelanleitung 
füt ben i?ateil von Sietr SJebforb, für bie Üiounb 
OöiU unb Saftcrn (ibannelS ttütb burdt bieie Slen- 
benmg nicht betroffen. 
фк Segelanleitung füt ben Kanal poiüben 
Sîortb unb ®teat l'ebgeo fann nicht reeller benuÇt 
teerten, ba ba8'palmer ê ДесапО-Деи« bureb bae 
Доп verteil reitb. 
13«. Ver Baltique. 
On répart' Ir pliure ilr I'II-uimI. 
à Centrée «lia ^olfr ilr lliura 
( KuünIc ). 
Le Departement hydrographique du mi 
nistère de la marine en Russie fait savoir que. 
cette année, l'appareil d’éclairage du phare 
«Mlfee. — Eingang turn C-olf oon Riga. 
Wcparotur bco Jfciiero turn 
фав Çnbtograpbifebe Süreau bei SHufftfchen 
SRarine - tBlintllerii macht befannt, baf m bieiem 
3abre b« Ceudüacparat beb Деиегь een ДймпЬ

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