Exe, have been coloured black and white in
vertical ¿tripes, and the Fairway buoy has
been coloured black and white in horizontal
The buoys on the Starboard hand remain
black as before.
unb wei§ fenfrec^t geftrrift unb bie tfabrwaffer«
35oje fdjwar* unb wei^ wagerecbt gemalt ift.
Die $$ojen an £teueiborb bleiben ftbtnaq wie
West (nasi. — Bristol Chanuel.
Knl ll^rlit on C’leinlon Pier.
Notice is hereby given, that a red light
is now exhibited on Clevedon Pier head; it
is elevated 27 feet above high water, and
from it
Newport lighthouse bears N by \V £ \V,
7| miles;
English and Welsh («rounds Light-vessel
W N W. 3* miles;
Fiatholm lighthouse W 10\ miles
CnglanD. —■ UifftkulU. — örtftol- ttanal.
$lotbeo Reiter auf (Slcticboit^tcr.
wirb befannt gemacht, bajj je$t auf bem
ti'leeeben-'i'ioolenfepfe fin retbeä Aeuer brennt/
e* ifl 27 über ¿öoebwaffer boeb unb peilt man
pen bemfelben:
?tewport Aeuertburm NzW\ W, 7|Seemeilen#
Gnglifb anb üBelfb (flreunbe Aeuerfcbirt WNW,
3* Seemeilen/
Alatbdm ^euertburm West, 10J; Seemeilen.
West Coast. — Liurpool.
IlisUngiiishiim lights for ('rosily
The Dock Office, Liverpool, has given
Notice, that from the 1st day of June 1N69,
the Crosby light-vessel will exhibit two
distinguishing white lights, in addition to
the single white light, as at present; the
arrangement of the lights will be as follows:
The principal light being at the mainmast
head, as at present, the distinguishing lights
will be placed, one in the fore part of the
vessel, the other in the after, both at a height
of about 9 feet from the deck.
Cnjjlanb — Ulffthüftf. — fioerpool
ltutcrfcbctbiiii^ofciicr auf fcem
CV roobti = Jycucrfcbiff'
®ie £afen«Scherbe bat befannt gemacht, bafi
Pom 1. 3 un * 1869 an bas £rosbe ■ ^euerfebiff
aufcer bem einen weijjen Aeuer, wie bisher, ned)
ppei weifte ilnterfcbeibungifeuer jeigen wirb; bie
liinriebtung ber Aeuer ifl folgenbe:
©as :pauptlicbt bleibt, wie bieber, am Xepp
be? ©reftntafte^, pen ben ilnterfcbeibungrfeuem ijt
bas eine auf bem perberen, ba$ anbere auf bem
hinteren 33)eil bee 0cbiffe* angebracht, beibe in
einer £5be pen 9 c. über £ecf.