The buoys marking middle shoals, which
have hitherto been chequered, be
painted black and white in horizontal
The buoys on the starboard hand will
remain black.
Buoy No. 1, on the starboard hand (outer
bank) will be distinguished by a staff
and triangle, and Buoy No. 1, on the
port hand (Sand Haile) by a staff and
Die ©ojen, welche bie mittleren ©ante be»
jeidmen, unb jefct gefdjacht ftnb, werben
fcbwarj unb weifj roagered)t gefheift.
Die ©ojen an ©teuerborb bleiben febwarj.
©oje 9tr. 1. an ©teuerborb (duftere ©anf)
wirb fenntlid) gemacht burdi ©tange unb
Dreiecf unb ©oje 'lit. 1. an ©aefborb
(Sand Haile) burdi ©tange unb 5Burfel.
MOS. Irish Channel. — Isle of Man.
at Derby baten.
3rldnbifd)er tinnat. — 3nfcl iUan.
Jfciicr X'crbti >>abcn.
Information has been received, that the
local light on Tort island, entrance of Derby
haven. Isle of Man, is exhibited only during
the fishing season or from the 12 th day of
August to the 10 th day of October.
(No. 100-103 of. Not. to Mar. No. *23 )
Ciö wirb befannt gemacht, baß bas 'pafenfeuer
auf ber 3 n Kl ifrrt, Eingang jurn ^ Derbti ■ jpafen,
nur wdhrenb ber Aifcbereiyeriebe ober vom 12. $Iu»
guft bis 10. Dftober brennt.
flO:i. England. South Coast.
Alteration in colour of hnojs
Itiirr K\e.
With reference to Notice to Mariners No. <.
dated 16th .January 1869, respecting an alte
ration in the colour of the buoys marking
the entrance of Exmouth harbour, the Tri
nity House. London, has given Notice, that
in conformity therewith, the buoys marking
the Port side of the entrance to the River
(Englanb. Siibhiiftr.
,"irtrbcin>fröllicrilllrt ter 'Vojcn ini
iOiit Sejuij auf bi« SBefannlmadjung für <2ee<
fahret Dir. 7. vom lß. junuat 18t>9, betreffenb
bie Slmbenmfl bet garb« ber SBojen in ber tfin
fafyrt gum §afen uon lirmvutb, ntadd ba8 £rt-
niftj Ifoufe gu Vonbon befannt, ban in lieberem,
ftimmuni) hiermit bie SJvjen, tveld'e bie brmfabrt
in ben gre fflun an SBaiborb be;ridmm, fdnvarg