'^cilrtflc Ulin i»rOtlfiif(bfn
Itadjridjtcn für $cefal)vcr.
Jh II.
Nrotlaud. — West Coast. — Ri\er Clyde.
Itnl ami white light »11
Donald** «111113.
The Trustees of the Clyde Navigation
have given Notice, that from the 1st day of
February 1869, a light would be exhibited
on Donald's quay, between Bowling and
Erskine ferry. North side of the River Clyde.
The light is a red and white light, shown
in alternate panes of red and white glass,
elevated 24 feet above high-water springs.
The light is intended to indicate the bend
of the channel.
Sdjotthmö. — llhithüftf. — Ctgör-ilub.
9fotb iittfc wcipco Jveucr auf
93om 1. Februar 18(59 an foU auf betn Do*
nalbe-Duai, ^wiicben Soroling unb (frsfineowbre,
Siorbfcite be3 Glnbe ^vluffe?, ein rotb unb n?ei§ee
iyeuer brennen, bag abmecbfelnb burcf) rotf> unb
tt>eifje ©laSfdjeibtn fdyeint; .fiöbe 24 über ¿pod).
Walter bei >8pringflutb.
Die? ¿reuet foil bie ©ieflunfl bce banale an
England. — East Coast. — Ri\er Humber.
Alteration in Imoys lirtuepii
Kingston-i pon-Hull and tin*
The Trinity house, Hull, has given No
tice. that in order to conduce to the adop
tion of uniform system of Buoyage, it is
intended that the following alterations in the
buoys of the River Humber shall take place
from July 1869, viz.:
The buoys on the Port hand in entering
the river, which have hitherto been
painted red, be painted black and white
in vertical stripes.
(Emtlanb. — Ofthiiftf. - £}uinbcr-.£luf.
ißcranbcrmirt ber 'öojen ¡totfctocii
Afiiiftototi: lipon1111S ber
©as Srinift) f)oufe ju JjjuU Mannt 3«.
macht, bafj, um bie Stnnafjme eineb gleicbmäjiigen
Sojenfnfienw ju förbern, folgenbe Seränberungen
bet Sojen im ©umber • ¡rlujj jum 3“1' be-
abfidjtigt werben:
®ie Sojen an Satfbotb beim (Sinlaufen in
ben .rluii, bie jeft rotb fmb, folien idjwarj
unb wei§ (entrecht geftreift werben.