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Full text: 1869 (1869)

Wfsl Indies — Cut«. 
tt'ell - .Jntlifn — tuba 
Temporary tliM'Ollflllliaiiee of 
liUrrrlin point light. 
The Spanish (lOVf'rmnent has given Notice, 
that tile revolving red light exhibited from a 
lighthouse on Lucretia point. North coast of 
Cuba, bas been temporarily diseontimied. 
Mariners are cautioned accordingly. 
I Net. to Mar. No. 5.) 
lliitcrbrcdiinift bco Jvciicrc 
auf Viicrctia. 
$>if Spatiifcbt SRfgimmg macht befannt, ba§ 
ba« retbe Drebfeuer auf bem ^eucbttburni ton 
<£ap V'ucKtia, 9lorbfiiflc von (£uba, vorläufig nicht 
brennen wirb. 
Seefahrer werben baber gewarnt. 
If. hilled States. West Coast — California. 
FliiMliInjr liulit on C'ii|ic llni- 
The United States (¡overmnent has given 
Notice, that from the 1st day of December 
18fiS, a light would be exhibited from a tower 
recently erected on the western extremity of 
Tape Mendocino. California. 
Tin* light is a flu.'hiny white light, elevated 
1180 feet above the sea, and in clear weather 
should b»* seen from a distance of 27 miles. 
The tower is of iron. 35 feet high, and 
painted white; position, as given, lat. 40 25 N.. 
long. 124 22 W. 
The keeper's dwelling is built of brick, and 
is situated 300 yards to the south of tin- tower, 
and nearly on the same elevation. 
Not. tu Mar. No. ti. 
Dereinigtf Ctontrn, U'rftluiftr — Cahfornim 
SMirffencr auf ifap ?Wcitt>t>ciito. 
©ie »legierung ber ©ereimgten Staaten madtl 
befannt, bafi ccm 1. ©eeember 186« ab auf ber 
rcefllüben Spife von liap SRntbocino, (Ealifomien, 
auf einem neuerbauten iburtne ein ffeuet brennt. 
©ab ¿euer ifl ein tcei^eb ©licffeuer, 38o boeb 
über ber ©afferflädje, unb bei flarent ©Jettet auf 
27 Seemeilen weit licfctbav vf¡ferner Ibttmt 
35 bod?, treift geftricben, bie ilage ifi angegeben 
auf 4o 25 9fctb ©reite, unb 124 22 IPefl 
©ie ©adjternicbnung tft aus ffiauerfteinen 
erbaut uub liegt 300 ©avb« füblid) »cm iburm 
unb beinahe auf berfelben fjebe. 
13. England — Smith Coast. 
I Iteration in eolonr ol' Iiikijn. 
river live. 
Ihc Trinity House*. London, has given 
Notice, that ill tin* month of April 186». to 
conformity with the general system adopted 
by them, the following alteration will lie made 
(gnglanb, Siibluiltc. 
Slci.hcrtiiirt iti her Jveirbc her 
C^rc = rt’liip- 
©ac Trinity house, 'dotibcn, macht befannt, 
bat! int SDionat 'llprit 186», in llebereinfhmmung 
mit bem »cn bemfelben angenommenen Stiftern, 
bie folgen.. 'Jlenberung in bet ,färbe ber ©ojen,

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