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Full text: 1869 (1869)

Wreck in the Araknn Hier. 
The »Clasmerden« having sunk at the 
SSmtf im 3lnihiit JyhoYe. 
Der $afemmiflfT »on 9lf»ab macht unterm 
entrance of tin* Arakan river with 700 tons 19. 9{o»ember 1868 befannt, »alp baa Sdtiff ■ 
of stone ballast on board it has created a „(SloSmerben" am Eingänge bee 9lracan*^ufff0 
danger fur ships visiting the Port. mit 700 Lena ¿teinbalaß gefunfen i|i 
The following are the Bearings from the 2$om 'iSracf aue, trelctoea in 3J tfaben bei 
wreck which is in 3J fathoms low water ©pringebbe liegt, mirb gepeilt: 
keep the Table laud to bear Past until the 3cbiffe baa Jable Vmb in D|1 balten bid ber S 
Lighthouse on the Great Savage bears North, ^euertburm auf ©real Saoage 9lerb petit, itt ! 
with this bearing tin* bar may be crossed biefer 'JJtilung faun man bie 93arre flar »om 
clear of tlie wreck. 
'h'rarf pafftrett. 
A green Buoy will be placed near the 
wreck as soon as possible. 
3cbalb ala möglich toirb eine grime $8oje 
nahe bent 2£ratf auagelegt mevben 
Akyab, Marine Oifie: the 19. November 1868. 
Crafilten. — lit titanium. 
Vruchttbimii unit 3U>*fiilui'iiit- 
92ad)bem bit’ ^afenbetförbe ber 'Prevint »on SJlatan&ao unterm 4. b. 5fite. nmnueint bat, bait I 
bit ','i’udmbnan »on 3*nEulmnin feit bem 2«. SR member b. 3 , obnt bit ( terin ( rrte SJeränberunfl treber I 
in feiner Xtrclfunfl, nw fc JJetreffe feiner JC'öbe, triebet funftionirt*), fo trub bite biernul burd) biefe I 
SKepettition pit Sicnntnifi bee Sdntffabrt treibenben tpubtifume flebradit. 
jJafeH'SImt ber ajauptfiabt unb fproDin) 9lir be 3‘>neiro, 22. December 18HS. 
r« r«unftionra tM CraAttbuiBKi irazra tariff Cntjüiitung tee Kaftra« trnporäi oejlirt »ertm. 
9JfrIin, aebrmfi unb ;:i babrn in brr flfnigltdfrn «tbrtmm Cbcr-¿tofbudjtruiffrti 
(5t. o- Sfrftr).

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