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Full text: 1869 (1869)

liiited Slates of America — Maine. 
$4. Croix Klver l.lirlillionse. 
A fixed white light, varied by flashes every 
thirty (30') seconds, will be exhibited on the 
evening of the lath inst., and every night 
thereafter from sunset to sunrise, from the 
light station on and near the centre of Doehet's 
or Demout’s island, in the St. Croix river, 
opposite Red Beach, and about 12 miles south 
of Calais, Maine. 
The light is placed on the south end of 
the keeper's dwelling, which is a one-and-a- 
half story house painted white. 
(.Not. to Mar. No. 89. Washington, December 3.) 
florb-Atlanttfdjcr Ocean. — Dimnijte Staaten, 
tfcudjtfcucr ant 5t. ($VOiX- g'luffc. 
0Äegenü h er von Sieb Scad) unb ungefaßt 
12 ©eetneilen füblid) non (Salaib in ÜÄamt wirb 
non bet nalfeju im SDlittelpunfte be Xbocfcct«. obet 
©emonti>3nfel im >St. Groij-Jluffe c elegencnStucbh 
feuerjlatien rom 15 ©ejember b. 3- ab ein fejtri 
weifieb getter mit SMinfen alle 30 ©e'unben brenner, 
Der Slpparat befinbet fielt an bem fübliche. 
(Silbe bet iC'ättcnrobtumg, einem n eifien 1 \ ©t.'d 
hohen §aufe. 
315. On and after 1st December 1869 will be 
exhibited from the Head laud overlooking 
the Vingorla Road-stead a double white light, 
visible seaward a distance of 9 miles in clear 
weather. The lights are on the dioptric 
system of the 6th order and placed 20 feet 
apart and at an elevation of 250 feet above 
the level of the sea. The Vingorla port light 
will not be shown during the S. W. Monsoon, 
that is, from 15th June to the 31st August, 
(Notice, Bombay, 30Ui October 1809.) 
3ntiif(t)rr Oeenu. 
ttrud)tfcucr ;n 'littiflorla, M.n'tc 
äJcm 1. ©ejember b. 3- ab wirb auf breit bic 
SßingorlaOltbebe übmagmbcn Lanboorfpning ein 
boppeltefc weifte« geuer, bei flatem üBette. 9 £ee- 
meilen weit fufitbar, ange(ünbet werben 
Die Leuchtfeuer ftnb bioptrifeft, 6. Cibnung, 
fleben 20 guft aubeinanbet unb befinben lieb in 
einet gpebe een 250 guft übet bem SBalferfpiegel. 
SBähtenb bes S W ©tonfoon« rom 15. 3“ni 
bis 31. Slugufl jebod) werben bie Bingotla<i3ort« 
geuer nicht brennen. 
316. ttorllfrc. 
©ie ©ommertonnen bet Binnenjabe ftnb aufgenommen unb burch bie SSmtigqachen erfegt 
4tftlin, qrbnuft unb ju haben in bet ftfoigluben (Hebeinten Cber-iVChubbrndmi

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