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Full text: 1869 (1869)

Suwonada Rock, upon which a steamer 
of that name struck, lies in nearly mid- 
channel between Tongmi point and the 
Tung-ki rocks. It consists of two or three 
pinnacle rocks, with only eleven feet on 
them at low water springs, and 8 and !• 
fathoms close to. This dangerous patch is 
distant cables from the west extreme of 
the Tung-ki rocks, in a N. by W. \ W. di 
rection; Tongmi point bearing N. W. by W. 
\ W., and Si -Ki rock S. W. by W. 
No indication of these rocks was afforded 
by the discoloration of the water, and it 
is recommended that the passage between 
Tung-ki rocks and the mainland be no lon 
ger used for the purposes of navigation. 
(Hydrographic Notice No. 39. 20th November 1869.) 
Tiefe gefäbrlicbe Stelle liegt in N z W 4 
44 Kabellängen bom ircfllicbcn Gilbe brr ianu-;; 
itelfcit unter teil Teilungen: 
Tetigmi-Teint NWzWJW i 
unb 3i«Ki Reifen S W z W. 
Der Dampfer Suwenaba fu-eft atf btefe: 
pen, ebne burdt eine Sleränberung in m 
bei iUajfer« getramt irerbeti ju fein. 
SP ii'irb baper beit Schiffen altem. ;b!m irr;, 
nicht länger ber Durd'fabrt jirifdien b m ■ 
ff elfen unb bem gefllanbe ju bebienen 
S3«iin, üfbtutft nnb ju &abfn in btt Äinighcbrn @tbcnntn Cbtr«öcfbudjbTudft?i 
(*. v. £)«ftt).

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