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Full text: 1869 (1869)

It is an Iron Buoy surmounted by a cage, 
and is in 4 fathoms of water. 
Madarin Bluff bears from it, 8. 15" E., the 
mouth of the Creek, S. 37 c YV. and the centre 
of the English Hatoba, S.80°W. 
All bearings are true. 
©lanbarro 'Bluff recbttr. S I5 r 0. 
ÜJiünbun$ be? Clreef 8 37 W. 
OTittelpunft con tfn^Itfb £atoba 8 80 - W. 
Notice is hereby given, that two Buoys 
have been moored at the East of 8imonoseki 
Straits, for the purpose of facilitating the 
navigation of the »Middle Channel.« 
Both Buoys are made of Iron and are sur 
mounted by cages standing 10 feet above 
the water. 
One is placed directly to the South of 
the Kanabuse or Fishermans Rocks. It is 
painted with black and white rings, ami is 
in 9 fathoms of water. 
The summit of Mozi Hill bears from it, 
8. 41$ W., Isaki Point, 8. 70$ E., and Kusi 
saki N. HO E 
The other Buoy is placed on the shallow' 
called »Middle Ground.« It is painted red 
and is in 3 fathoms of water. 
Kusi saki bears from it, N. 30$ W. the 
summit of the Island of Manziu, N. 42 E., 
Isaki point, 8. 39 E. and the Buoy at Fisher 
man's rocks, 8. 74 W. 
All Bearings are true. 
The deepest w’ater through the Channel 
will be found by passing one cable and a 
half to the south of each buoy. 
(296. 297. Not. to Mar. Lighthouse Department, 
Benton, Yokohama, August 5th. 1869} 
'iU'ji-ii in bev Strafe t>on ¿imi) 
Um tie ¿dnfffabrt in bem mit „üJlibble Gban- 
nel" benannten gabrmaffer in ber itrafie pon 
«imonofefi ju erleichtern, jtnb jntei eiferne Sojen 
mit ffiütfel, irelcbe loguft über 'Baffer becb finb, 
aufgelegt »erben. 
Oie erfte, (ctoarj mit »eißen gingen gemalt, 
liegt gerabe 3tib Den ben Jtanabufe« ober gifber. 
man'“ helfen in ‘1 gaben üßaffer unter folgenben 
ber (Gipfel be? fflioji .(Sill reebt». S 41} W. 
3fafi tpoint S 70 J' O. 
itufi fafi N30' O. 
Die j»eite ¡Boje, rol'i gemalt, liegt auf 3 fabelt 
SBalTer an ber Untiefe „ilübble Wre. -b“ unter 
folgenben Teilungen: 
Rufi fafi recht». N 30J ; W. 
(Bipfel ber 3 n fel i'ianjiu N 42 0. 
(ffafi '4'Cint S 39 0. 
Die 'Boje auf bem gifberman'o yelfen S 74° W. 
liine Kabellänge füblicb Do,, tiefen Sojen ift 
bie größte liefe im gabrrcaffer ju finben.

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